In your opinion, which FOSS software is by many considered "old" or "obsolete", but are in fact, in your opinion, in many ways better than the newer alternatives? to Free and Open Source – 107 points –

I'll start:

  • RSS and blogs, news vs. social media
  • XMPP vs. WhatsApp/FB messenger/Snapchat
  • IRC vs. Matrix, Teams, Discord etc.
  • Forums vs. Social media, Reddit, Lemmy(?)

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True. The problem with that, is that Microsoft pays to have windows installed. Such that it's actually cheaper to buy a system with windows and delete it than to buy one with Linux preinstalled.

Ah that's probably how they're able to squeeze Linux out of the market by having it OEM installed at cost.

Not that there are a lot of ordinary people who know what Linux is, much less desire to actively use it if it comes preinstalled on their machine.