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It's also very hard, if not impossible in some cases to find old conversations on discord, vs forums where they're mostly preserved for eternity.

We love 'cowboy caviar' - which is basically a corn and black beans salsa/salad, with onions, green peppers, chilis, tomatoes, and a vinegarette. It's Soo good!

True. The problem with that, is that Microsoft pays to have windows installed. Such that it's actually cheaper to buy a system with windows and delete it than to buy one with Linux preinstalled.

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Women lost the right to abortion, because of the previous administrations actions and ability to install judges to the federal courts, at all levels, but specifically at the SCOTUS level. Though it alsorequired that cases make it through the federal courts too.

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And, you'd be wrong. Works don't lose their copyright just because they go out of print and are hard to find. Thanks to Disney, copyright survived for the length of the authors life plus 90 years.

Yup. You knew what you were getting into. That, best case scenario from the child's pov, is going back to their real family. Always.

Honestly, if Ubuntu hadn't pushed snaps so damned hard, I'd probably still be running Ubuntu. I don't hate them. But... They're just obnoxious. Honestly, I wish Flatpaks and Appimages weren't pushed so hard on other distros too. But, such is life.

I understand why I should care about encryption, in theory. In practice, 90% of the time, I don't. If I'm texting my kids 'hey where are you?' or my husband: what do you want for dinner?' or a friend, 'hey, come hang out!' - I just don't care. And putting up with all the hassles that come with encryption via matrix... It's just, generally, far more hassle than it's worth, IMHO.

Exactly. It's the hours that suck, depending on shift. Do you forever want to live life in 3rd shift? If you have kids, you'll rarely see them... You'll be asleep when they're awake and at work when they are.

It's just not ideal for most people.

I just dropped ours down to 2screens, for now..I still think we may well cancel fully. But, we'll see.

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Yup slim is what I've been using for ages. I'm disappointed that recently I can no longer get messages in it, but I accept that. Just have to open a browser and login there. Sigh

I make nachos all the time like this - typically a night or two after having tacos with leftovers is nachos night 😁.

Idk if you did, but I highly suggest spraying your sheet with baking spray OR simply using a piece of parchment paper, a silpat, etc for easy cleanup. Also, I/we really like a bit of cheese on top of everything to help hold things in place - kinda like you do for pizza. Not a ton, just a bit.

I'm in eastern Ohio, and just checked the drought monitor. We're still in D0, despite it finally raining a good bit over the last week or two. But, given that it didn't rain for 3+ weeks that's not terribly surprising.

I don't think you understand what happens when your power goes out though. Yes your ac works great, when you have ac. The problem occurs, when you don't have power. And there's nowhere to go. When it's 110+ degrees, with 70%+ humidity, people start to die. Rapidly. It doesn't matter how 'acclimated' you are, the human body just can't take it.

Honestly, this is our experience too. My kids play on their computers and the Xbox probably 90% of the time. The PS5 getting very minimal use. The switch at least has the virtue of being portable, and thus gets hauled around.

Yeah, we have a PS5 and keep considering trading it in for a second Xbox...

Yes. But remember to share!

Yeah, a lot of my kids friends are PC gamers with $600-1000 systems, tops. They might not be the greatest, but they work. Even my kids systems were only ~$1500 and they're both at least a year or two old now, and still running just about everything.

Right?!? I didn't think anyone else loved Slide. I'm so damned excited!!

If you aren't on the same server, encryption doesn't always work very well, and you semi-frequently end up with conversations where you can't read each other's messages. Id you try get signed out of your app on a given device, you'll likely lose past conversations. Etc. It's just... obnoxious.

It's also what creates a ton of bugs and problems, both for users and developers. People hate on Gnome for being very standard without a lot of config options, but it makes a 'standard' Gnome desktop possible in a way that just doesn't exist for KDE.

I feel like this is true. As much as it's 'allowed' to transition to be the opposite sex, it's still somehow not really ok for girls to just like to be outside and dirty and play sports or whatever. Wear whatever you want, and screw everyone else.

My kid uses krita with a drawing tablet, something I'm honestly not sure is even possible with gimp.

The slide for Lemmy makes me sooo happy. My mouth is hanging open and I'm just... I cannot freaking wait!! Thank you 🙏

Eh, I have a serious love-hate relationship with Matrix. For groups its fine. But trying to communicate with individuals on matrix is a major PITA, because of its end-to-end encryption which causes constant issues, IME. It's great, in theory. But, in practice is just far more of a PITA than its worth.

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