14 Post – 71 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Work with informationsecurity and GDPR. And know as a fact that many danish municipalities which administrate the libraries are using, and are happy with, Linux as public facing citizen PC's in libraries.

They use OS2borgerPC, which translates to OS2citizenPC which is maintained and supported by the danish company Magenta. But it's open source, so if you are in another country you could just use it - or better, give Magenta a call. They're great and very reseaonable.

Magenta: OS2borgerPC on github:

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It's Meta's nonsense reply to being forced by the European data protection authorities (EDPB) to get consent before processing users data, which they should have from the beginning:

He made the world a better place.

As far as possible I try to avoid:

  • All things from big tech because privacy, see Schrems II and their terms on use of personal information for own purposes

  • Non Open Source tech because privacy or other malicious functions

  • Tech that are prone to planned obsolescence because of special batteries etc. and can't be fixed with for example a custom ROM on Android

I like Aegis being FOSS and for it's backup.

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A Library. Or if digital, Wikipedia and

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Something that would do that neoliberism in the 80's with Reagan and Thatcher would not become the dominating political and economic theory it has been since that time.

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Nice try, Microsoft

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Firefox and VLC on Windows for years, which just worked. Later XBMC/Kodi and fileserver which where s... on windows but, again, just worked on Linux. When Windows later on kept nagging for something I migrated to 100% Open Source and have been a happy camper ever since!

I applaud Linux on as many laptops as possible. But given Microsoft's history of EEE, bad security practices and multiple and on going privacy violations I would really not recommend using anything Microsoft. If you must use fx Surface I would recommend buying a used one. Or better yet a used Thinkpad or similar enterprise laptop used.

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Maybe not quite on the spot, but a Storage Share (hosted nextcloud) from Hetzner might be an option.

Bonus features and info: You can also share other files, location, calendars, contacts etc. They have a compliant data protection agreement, and are fully GDPR compliant.

Hetzner Storage Share:

Great! Thanks for the heads up.

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Have checked PineTime, and seriously considered it. But as you said, and I remember, it fell short on features. Will check Bangle.js!

Don't use it for hiking but seem to remember it coming up in that context: Open Street Maps. AFAIK it has PC apps, android apps (osmand, organic maps etc.) and web. I use osmand a lot for maps, POI's and navigation. Organic maps is great too. Simpler and more polished.

Good question, but no 🙂

OS2 is a organization which coordinate software development for the participating municipalities and companies which sign up for delivering FOSS. I think OS2 stand for Open Source Software, but not sure.

More about OS2 here:

Yes, often overlooked. And, I hear, almost impossible to selfhost these days without a degree in CS, because "we block all non big tech e-mail providers".

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+1 Organic Maps and also Osmand. Both are on F-droid app store.

I know I am way out there. But is it possible that actual human interaction could have a positive effect on loneliness?

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Duplicati runs om Windows AFAIK.

Sorry, but definitely not true.

Source: See my comment regarding the majority of danish municipalities using Linux. No problem for the users or the people doing the sysadmin work.

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I used Read You from f-droid app-store and was happy with it. No commercials and FOSS. Switched to Nextxloud News for centralized RSS feeds from my Nextcloud.

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KISS from f-droid.

I have used Linux for a while and transitioned the wife and kids to Linux Mint a couple years ago.

They know it is different than Windows but never miss anything as the alternatives are as good or better. The kids are used to mobile and tablets so know of app store and so on. The only downside is getting some games their friends play working, like Roblox. But for the most part alternatives like Minetest are fine (better).

The upside is IMHO massive in terms of privacy, security, user friendless and sysadm stuff.

It just works and we're happy with it!

Agree it's easier to get techies on board. With normal people it is kind of a struggle competing and argumenting against the likes of WhatsApp, FB messenger and such. But I totally think it's worth it because privacy.

Often thought of the same thing. So leaving this comment here in case someone got a good solution that don't involve big tech.

When I get the time my plan is to read up on big techs solutions, fx Google and Apple, who as I understand can give your family access under certain conditions if your've passed.

EDIT: And replicate their solution using FOSS / self hosting.

Microsoft is a privacy nightmare though.

Thanks for the info and links!

As I remember it was the best bet for my usecase last I looked at it. Thanks!

Hi. Do you have some documentation for the unencrypted mail part? Doesn't sound very GDPR compliant depending on the information sent, off course.

That would be my guess, yes. Why would the danish librians and users in libraries differ from other places? We're talking ordinary people with an average in computer knowledge in cities and libraries of all sizes.

Being a dane you have to explain the Missouri reference. If you mean something like small cities, see above.

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Forgot to say to get osmand and organic maps on f-droid

Synthwave is my Go-to for work

Finally a full open source PC! Looking forward to it.

IS still absolutely the shit 🙂

We use Teams and friends at work, so I know the struggle.

I agree, but not very secure if Keepass is compromised. For security I think it's better to separate passwords and MFA.

Duplicati to Hetzner storage. Working on replacing duplaicati with Borg. Because mono.

Ski underwear and socks made from wool / merino / synthetic, and top layer wind resisting running set. Plus something to keep hands and head warm. If too cold add additional layers of t-shirts in beetween. For night runs a headlight is a life saver.

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Merino ski underwear is dry in no time 🙂

"Because you let us". Seriously regret seeing that movie.

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