How do you find RSS feeds that you're interested in? to – 87 points –

I'd like to take my RSS feeds from an aggregator of news to a curated selection of interesting things. Interesting newsletters and blogs are where I think RSS shines, but I struggle to find this content.

What do you do to find these kinds of RSS feeds?


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I used Read You from f-droid app-store and was happy with it. No commercials and FOSS. Switched to Nextxloud News for centralized RSS feeds from my Nextcloud.

+1 on Read You. For desktop, I can also recommend newsboat on Linux and NetNewsWire on MacOS.

+1 for Newsboat on Linux

For anyone considering Elfeed (Emacs RSS Reader), coming from an Emacs user, please just use newsboat. It is so much better, the fact newsboat has macro support really sealed the deal for me. You can use macros to open feeds in any program you want, for instance, a macro to open feed in mpv:

bind-key SPACE macro-prefix

unbind-key ,

macro o set browser "mpv %u &>/dev/null &" ; open-in-browser-and-mark-read ; set browser "<your-browser-command> %u &"

Agree entirely. I use newsboat (inside vterm (inside emacs)).

I'm looking forward to Read You incorporating FreshRSS api. For now I'll happily use FeedMe