How do you find RSS feeds that you're interested in? to – 87 points –

I'd like to take my RSS feeds from an aggregator of news to a curated selection of interesting things. Interesting newsletters and blogs are where I think RSS shines, but I struggle to find this content.

What do you do to find these kinds of RSS feeds?


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I'd go a step further and see if anyone here has recommendations for the best RSS readers. I've never used one, and I'm wary to take any of the ones offered in the Android play store that are going to shove ads in my face. I'd love a quick guide to set them up properly, too. I'm a luddite when it comes to this apparently because the last one I installed, I couldn't get it to grab any of the links.

EDIT: I installed Feedly and it was easy to set up. I don't need it to do anything but grab articles I'm interested in and it seems to do that just fine. I'd just like to be able to unfollow all news/politics subs on the fediverse and stick to articles only. Thanks for the input to everyone who replied.

I used Read You from f-droid app-store and was happy with it. No commercials and FOSS. Switched to Nextxloud News for centralized RSS feeds from my Nextcloud.

+1 on Read You. For desktop, I can also recommend newsboat on Linux and NetNewsWire on MacOS.

+1 for Newsboat on Linux

For anyone considering Elfeed (Emacs RSS Reader), coming from an Emacs user, please just use newsboat. It is so much better, the fact newsboat has macro support really sealed the deal for me. You can use macros to open feeds in any program you want, for instance, a macro to open feed in mpv:

bind-key SPACE macro-prefix

unbind-key ,

macro o set browser "mpv %u &>/dev/null &" ; open-in-browser-and-mark-read ; set browser "<your-browser-command> %u &"

Agree entirely. I use newsboat (inside vterm (inside emacs)).

I'm looking forward to Read You incorporating FreshRSS api. For now I'll happily use FeedMe

I use Newboat on my computer

On Android I would probably use Read You or Feeder...there are lots of FOSS RSS readers that don't serve ads.

Feedly was my favorite for a while. But they have had their bumps. That said they do more than just RSS and can add feeds that dont support RSS.

I moved to self-hosting my feed aggregator sometime back. For that I use Miniflux.

I've been using Feedly since Google Reader got killed off by Google, and it's been great. Rarely any issues at all, and you can add whatever URLs you want, and i'll try its best to make it into a useable feed.

I just loaded up Feedly for the first time in maybe 8 years judging from the podcasts I was listening to at the time. I'm cleaning it up and hunting for new news sources.

Inoreader has been great. There is a premium tier but I've never actually needed it. Nice, polished, professional, and perfect transition between iOS and the web interface.

I've been using Newsblur for a few years now and it's been great. It's very configurable. They have a hosted version or you can run your own.

Another vote for newsblur. And you can use it either as a backend+frontend, or just as a backend and then use a modern "reader only" app as the front. It's super configurable.

Feedly - been around for many years and it's still maintained. Very clean interface and has a decent feed discovery function.

I use Feeder. They have a free plan but the app isn't super great. It does the job though

I've been using Feedly, ever since Google Reader was shut down. I've been happy with it and it has discovery features to find new feeds that interest you.

Omg, same - I miss Google reader lol. But feedly aint bad either