Experts call for global moratorium on efforts to geoengineer climate

Bernie to World – 121 points –
Experts call for global moratorium on efforts to geoengineer climate

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Good for you, top effort. That'll have exactly 0 affect on the climate crisis though....

See this is such a unique problem. We really should be happy for anyone doing anything to try and mitigate the issues we are seeing and even small acts like planting trees or me letting wildflowers and native plants grow in my yard is better than nothing....

But also on the scale we are at it does only enough to make a very small local subsect of creatures better off and does nothing for the big ticking clock overhead. We should praise andly activity but try to be aware of the need to go further and do more but we lack the ability.

It's like this endless spiral of people priding themselves on fixing issues to get a sense of relief from the reality and is it kind or cruel to point out the forest instead of the tree people are focusing on?

What are you doing about it rather than being a keyboard warrior netizen then?