‘There simply is no moral high ground anymore:' Stella Assange argues her husband’s situation is used as justification by authoritarian regimes that imprison journalists

0x815@feddit.de to World News@beehaw.org – 64 points –
‘There simply is no moral high ground anymore’ – Stella Assange - Index on Censorship

"It is undeniable that the intrinsics of Julian’s case are so shocking it is something one would expect from the worst dictatorships," Stella Assange says.

"A thin patina of ‘process’ cannot obscure the fact that he is facing 175 years for groundbreaking journalism, that the only agencies who will decide on the conditions and degree of isolation that he will be held in if he is sent to a US prison, pre- and post-trial, are the same agencies that were elaborating plans to kill him while he had political asylum at the embassy, that is to say, the CIA,“ she added.


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The promise of WikiLeaks was exposure of wrongdoing, anywhere. Assange ran it as his personal score-settling service to help Russia.

The US war crimes in Iraq back then didn't help Russia as much as the Russian war crimes in Ukraine now don't help the US. Both are crimes against humanity. It is impossible that they 'help' anyone.

They're referring to all the shenanigans before the 2016 election when they decided to release a bunch of hacked info on Dems while holding back anything critical of Republicams.

Also while coordinating and conspiring with the Trump campaign on Twitter DMs.

In fact, "shenanigans" is far too soft a word for what they did.

There are no heroes in this story, only villains.