Stack Overflow must change its attitude towards users. to – 54 points –
I know how to mitigate "The Fall of Stack Overflow"

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It just takes a while to get the site, which unfortunately doesn’t work if you jump right in without lurking.

I don't really think that's the problem here. It's pretty clear that people answering most questions just want to be contrarian. Here's a question I asked earlier this year (not on SO, but I've had the same exact problem on SO years ago) where I detailed literally everything I tried and instead of reading the post, the answerer literally said:

To be candid, this is much to lengthy and broad to follow. When you get the wait cursor (the spinning beachball of death), it means that the system is waiting for something before it can move on. It could be from either RAM or your disk or another application. Before you start taking drastic steps, boot into Safe Mode and see if the problem persists.

If they had literally read even a quarter of the way through the post they would have seen that I had already done what they suggested. It's clear the problem is with the platform. Not the people asking the questions.

In fact if you look back at most of my questions you'll find a majority of them not answered. Not because I didn't provide enough information, but because SO rewards tagging and closing questions rather than answering the actually difficult questions. And because of that it's just better to have a billion questions that get closed than answer a single question that might take more than a few minutes, even if that question comes with an example project to show the problem at hand

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