Those of you that went back to your old job/company, why? to – 46 points –

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Necessity, multiple times. I had incredible luck out of college - and by that I mean that places I worked at kept closing or getting bought out by other companies and doing major layoffs. I kept going back to my fast food job I had in college because it was better than nothing. I went back 4 separate times before I found a job that didn't close within a year.

So it wasn't exactly by choice!

Oof, that must have been infuriating. I know there wasn't much choice involved, but good on you for going back each time. I know a few people whose pride would have financially crippled them in that moment. Patience and persistence paid off, in the end. Congratulations on graduating :)

Thank you, it was a pretty crazy experience. Too many years in college and then years afterwards just job hopping - only to end up in the most unrelated career path possible. But hey, it all worked out ok!