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Joined 12 months ago

On one hand I am always amazed at what kids can learn and latch onto in the weirdest ways. So I have no doubt that a lot can be learned through context. Watching movies can absolutely demonstrate a seemingly endless scenarios in a way that can be understood.

However, as someone raising a child, let me tell you how often I have to stop and explain that certain things are not real just because there's a video of it. Or how many words are being used incorrectly because they were heard in one context that was misunderstood.

I think a child who only had media to teach them, with no one to correct things, would have an endless amount of misunderstandings - nevermind the amount of things they'd believe that are entirely fictional. Basically, no, this kid would be screwed.

As someone also in their mid 30s, I think a lot of people really misunderstand how the confederate flag was viewed so casually by many people up until recently. It was always offensive to some, but I genuinely was unaware of that as a teen growing up in the 2000s. It was just an image of being kind of edgy and rebellious but I genuinely didn't think much of it seeing any band using them. Watching Skynyrd or Guns N Roses videos of live concerts? There were "rebel flags" pretty often and I just kind of let it go. It meant nothing to me.

I was in my mid 20s, probably, when it really was explained to me how insensitive that can be. I never associated it with racism or slavery up until that point - and I'm pretty sure that's the same thought that a lot of these bands had. The absolute best thing to do is exactly as you said: own up to it, change your ways, and grow.

Necessity, multiple times. I had incredible luck out of college - and by that I mean that places I worked at kept closing or getting bought out by other companies and doing major layoffs. I kept going back to my fast food job I had in college because it was better than nothing. I went back 4 separate times before I found a job that didn't close within a year.

So it wasn't exactly by choice!

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Just to clarify, there is a pay scale. $15 puts your submission in line. $35 puts you in front of the line. $50 I guess means you're next? Its just lised as the "very front". So I guess if you're only willing to shell out $15, you better hope no one has paid 50 or 35.

I can understand that this also benefits from just an onslaught of any old garbage to get reviewed, because I have no doubt that if submissions were free it would be hours of Glenn just skipping through all of the garbage.

I don't think it's necessarily wrong I suppose, everyone has to make a living and you have to police content that gets shoved in your face somehow, but I can't say I'm a huge fan of this set up. Not that I have a better suggestion, though, and I absolutely would hope for a better system than this.

That being said, if I were in a metal band then I would probably throw money his way to see what he said. His channel has a lot of great information that I've used over the years.

Go figure, I put the stream on as I'm typing this comment, and he read a comment where someone said they'd love to have their music reviewed but they don't have any money and in typically Glenn fashion he responded with "then get a job you cheap fuck!". Which I guess really is kind of how it goes. For a band who is serious about getting input, $50 really isn't that much. Most bands lose more money than that on many gigs early on anyway, that's just the nature of the industry. It isn't necessarily fair - but again, I sure don't have a better solution. There's only so much time for people to listen to and review all of the new music being made.

So I'll preface this with - here's an example of how it turned out for me. Chuck E Cheese I'm 1994?

A big part of saving VHS tapes is that you can only save what the tape still has, so if the tape was poor quality already then you can only pull so much out of it. But if this kind of quality is reasonable for you, then this was done very easily.

I used an I-O Data GV-USB2 Video, they run about $50 USD. I recorded the video through OBS, which is a free program. Just plugged VCR into the I-O GV-USB2, hit recorded on OBS, and hit play on the vcr.

All of the upscaling is great but I think the cost-quality difference wasn't worth it considering the low quality of many of our home movies anyway. You can do better than what I have, and if it's worth the cost then absolutely go for it. But for 50 bucks I saved all of my family's old home videos on a hard drive and burned them to dvds and that's more than good enough for me.

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I've recently gotten into model building, in the sense of buying those sheets of pieces that need cut out and snapped or glued together. like this

The issue I have is that I'm not really into most of the things they make models of. Most model kits in this style tend to be classic cars, military vehicles, or anime/Gundams. Not that there's anything wrong with those things, they're just not particularly interesting to me.

But I can spend hours just browsing the model kits on websites like big bad toys

In not familiar with many people who genuinely hate Jack White. He's never claimed to be a stellar guitarist and a lot of his career was built on this "I'm doing this with cheap gear and I'm not amazing but I'm still making great music and so can you!" vibe which was really awesome and inspirational for a ton of new players.

I will say that I understand when he gets criticism for performances that just come across as trying too hard to be different. His Star Spangled Banner for example. Not that I personally think you have to "sing it straight" as many would say, I'm all for experimentation.... but I'm not sure I "get" what he was going for.

I have a 100% positive feedback on ebay as a buyer, so that's cool I guess.

I haven't driven for Uber in years, but I was a 4.93 (last I can find. I looked for an old screen shot).

I was around Elo 1100 in Age of Empires 2 for a while, but I'm sure I would be lower now (and honestly 1100 isn't impressive. It's barely above average, but it's the only other rating I can think of).

And this made me realize that I'm not rated in many situations on a scale beyond "Hey good job"/"this could be better".

I think the most famous person that I share a name with is a very famous serial killer.

I already think the fascination with serial killers is incredibly weird (this is putting ut lightly), but the past 5-10 years has only seen it become even more mainstream. My response to anyone referencing the killer to me, because of my name, is very stern and very simple:

If you can't tell me who the victims were, then shut up about it. At least have the decency to pretend you actually care about the events and not just the "oh how weird and creepy" factor.

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I'm amazed that my original Pokémon Red lasted as long as it did - but the in game battery will eventually die. If you really want to save it I highly recommend using a cart dumper, something like the gbxcart, to save your file elsewhere.

I had lost my original Red had died but my first big team is saved onto Pokémon Stadium which gives me a good chuckle anyone I put that in.

The Retro/Vintage thing drives me crazy. Not that I mind words altering their meaning over time, that's just a fact of language. But searching for things when the two words are used interchangeably half the time is a chore 😂 From what I've seen, other hobbies do it a bit better than video games do.

But I'm going to completely agree with the SNES. Early 3D aged so horribly, if you ask me. As much as I loved my N64 back in the day, it is easily my least used console and mostly just collects dust.

I feel so weird recommending people but better underwear, but it's one of those things that I did that just helps make me feel better on a daily basis. Wearing legitimately better underwear is very underrated.

Seriously! I hang out in a lot of Synthwave groupd. Seeing bands like Gundship mentioned outside of things like that is so cool.

What drives me crazy about this the most is that it was technically public knowledge as far back as the mid-90s, but it was mostly ignored. That man was left out for way too long before anything was taken seriously.

It is a Halloween tradition of mine to play through at least one game in the Ghosts 'n Goblins series every October and the past few years I've been branching out into ports of the games that I wasn't previously familiar with.

This list and write up so absolutely incredible and it's nice to see someone share a lot of my thoughts on them.

Especially with your

I start a lot of these Spectrum sections with "you'll have to trust me on this..."

This is pretty much what I have to do, too. "I promise, it looks weird but it's actually really good" is how I have to explain my love for the ZX Spectrum in general.

The obligation to stay on Facebook for things like this is so frustrating at times. It feels like LinkedIn, where I have it because it's the only place to get some information.

To keep it soiler free, the specifics don't matter. I read fan translations of the manga Attack On Titan because I got tired of waiting for the anime to be dubbed or released or whatever. So I finished the series a long while ago.

My brother has been watching the anime as it gets released. I've been saving memes I found about it and after the next section comes out I'll send them to my brother.

Well. One time I over estimated how far the anime had gotten and sent him a couple memes of events that he hadn't seen yet.

Now that I think about it, I also spoiled Hereditary in about the same way, through memes. I sent a couple in a group chat that reference

::: spoiler Title the telephone pole scene, if you've seen it you know. Not a huge plot spoiler but it did ruin the shock value I guess. :::

forgetting that one person in the group chat hasn't watched it yet but was planning on watching it soon.

Absolutely this. As if browsing Popular on reddit wasn't bad enough, but I really only look at my subscriptions on Lemmy

I can very thankfully say that no, no I do not wake up alone.

Well. I wake up before anyone else typically, but I'm in a home with other people.

That whole scene of Norwegian Black Metal was a wild circus.

Crazy when I stop and think about how damn young they all were, too. Dead was dead by 22, Euronymous was dead by 25, Faust was I think 19 when he committed a random murder because "...I guess he wanted to know what it's like to kill a person" (according to a band mate).

Just an absolutely crazy little world.

A few recommendations

Grand Magus is closer to the Ozzy style, especially if you're into the Black Sabbath stuff.

Cauldron are a really solid classic sounding heavy metal band.

I would love to recommend Scorpion Child But it's been a decade since they've released an album so I'm not sure what's going on, there.

Haunt are my favorite modern band who I think fit your style. These guys just keep getting better so far

Killer Instinct, arcade and SNES Killer Instinct 2 (arcade) which was kind of ported as Killer Instinct Gold (N64)

Those are my top tier without a doubt.

Bloody Roar : Primal Fury was absolutely excellent as well.

I think this really is just a personal preference deal. I WANT games with scores and grades. Come on, game, tell me that I'm horrible and that I need to do better! Maybe I'm into the punishment, I don't know. Played too much Bop It! as a kid and got used to the guy screaming when I messed up.

This is why I play so many arcade style games, and so many rhythm games. This is why communities for speedrunning, rhythm games, and high scores still exist - otherwise I would think I'm completely alone in this 😂

Off of what I have record of - Stardew Valley. 387 hours on Steam, just over 200 hours on my Switch, and my current file on my phone is at 87 hours - not including previous files that I do not have anymore.

That being said, there are games that I bet would be up there as well but they don't record time so I have no way of knowing.

Minecraft, which has over 200 hours on my Switch alone despite most of my play time being on PC or my phone.

Starcraft: Brood War Super Smash Bro. Melee. I don't play these two much, anymore, but when I was young and didn't have much else of a life, these took up an incredible amount of my time.

Huh, I'll be honest I actually don't even know who that is. That's a new one to me.

But yeah, OJ sounds like a great name! I'll start the process ASAP. Absolutely nothing bad can come out of that

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There's the whole "it's so bad it's good" mentality, but The Room is so insufferably bad that it goes way passed the "it's good" part and just goes to being one of the most irritating movies I've ever seen.

Add on the weird cult following and it just gets worse, to me.

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That's why !christmas@lemm.ee exists! I realize it's only me for now, but maybe someday I'll have people join me.

It is hard to just start conversations on your own but it really is kind of how you have to do it.

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I'm new to Distractible as of only a few weeks ago. I was working backwards until my brother said "no. Stop what you're doing and listen to 'Bob's Fridge'"

It was one of the best decisions I've ever made.

This one gets to me. Not because I liked them that much, but because Justin has always been a dick and I could just write it off as "yeah they were a bunch of dicks but they put on a good show". An Anti-Flag show in the 2000s, here at least, was one of the few times a punk show wasn't in a basement somewhere, so it was absolutely THE place to be if you were in the scene. They also frequently had great bands with them so it always made for a great time.

But after the accusations came out it left a real bad taste realizing that he's probably much more than "just a dick".

I believe world let's your create new communities.

Weird issue that I had, but the name of the community you're making needs to be in all lowercase letters. Any chance that's the issue you're having?

Thank you, it was a pretty crazy experience. Too many years in college and then years afterwards just job hopping - only to end up in the most unrelated career path possible. But hey, it all worked out ok!

Oh this is absolutely incredible. Thank you 😂

I'm an idiot and i didn't even catch that, thank you! I'll edit it

Right off the bat, the Dead Space series is pretty good. Crazy as it sounds, Dead Space: Extraction (a wii game that no one talks about, although it is also on the PS3) is probably my favorite in the series.

You can't go wrong with the Silent Hill series, and another possibly unpopular opinion is that Silent Hill 4 : The Room is probably my favorite. >

Now a real oddball pick. Is it the best game? No. Does it have an amazing story? No. But Obscure and Obscure 2 were a lot of fun of you're cool with "this is like a really low budget campy horror flick" kind of games. Played them with a buddy a few years ago and it was the most fun co-op experience I've had in ages.

Ah hello, Tim.

Like many older fans, I haven't been into the past couple releases. This single feels very promising, though. I hope they don't go so far "back to power metal" that they piss off all of their new fans, though, if that makes sense.

Having talked to younger fans who think Talviyo and The Ninth Hour are basically God's gifts to music, I'd hate to see them hate a new album because it "sounds too much like their old stuff when they weren't as good".

Either way, I love seeing these guys still around and Tony sounds pretty good here which is nice to see - I haven't been particularly impressed by him for a while and it had me worried that he did serious damage to his voice.

I'm not sure why there would be an argument at all? Most Christmas groups talk about food, music, decorations, other traditions...

Not usually a ton of actual arguing.

I'll be honest I completely forgot about the Chinese instructions because I set mine up quite a few years ago! That's a good warning to add on there, thank you!