California Senate Passed SB 799; The bill's (which give strikers the right to collect unemployment) fate lies in Newsom's hands. to politics – 174 points –
California Senate Passed SB 799; The bill's fate lies in Newsom's hands.

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I'm not in or from the US, but I'm guessing unemployment doesn't pay enough to live the good life? Should just be enough to keep you alive?

If you want to leave you shouldn't worry about starving in the pursuit of better employment imo

Unemployment probably won't even cover your bills, but will let you hemorrhage money slower

Then I really don't see the issue. Not like people would willingly put themselves in that kind of situation without a reason

In the US if you want to leave your job, you won’t get unemployment. If you’re laid off you can.

I agree with you that it’s wrong, but that’s how it currently works in the US.

Unemployment is not for when people decide to leave a job. It’s for when your employer lays you off. Going on strike is much different than being laid off.