
1 Post – 47 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

And I think an organisation covering for pedophiles and murdering kids in their schools have no moral high ground and it is definitely unfit to lecture anyone on human dignity.

Eat a bag of dicks Francis

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Further adding to the outrage, Elisha Yered, an ultranationalist settler leader and former adviser to a lawmaker in Netanyahu’s governing coalition, defended the spitters, arguing that spitting at Christian clergy and at churches was an “ancient Jewish custom”.

So, even if that was not absolute bullshit, then that would have been a shit custom. How do you get this vile? Yea, well, we've been spitting on "the others" since ancient times isn't a good argument. Just means you've had a fucking awful custom. What a cunt

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Of the big ones I prefer Reuters and APnews

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Unrelated, but has anyone noticed that almost all posts and comments have at least one downvote?

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Guess they buy into the simplistic views shouted by the far right.

So god damned stupid/malicious. Both him and the majority of Europe it seems said something to the like off: Israel are allowed to defend themselves. Defend themselves on Palestinian land. With weapons sold by us. And now we "encourage" restraint, like Israel has ever done that when it comes to civilians. They are more than happy to bomb the women and children being used as shields by Hamad.

"As the Ukraine situation has not changed, we are not inviting Russia or Belarus" either, Suzuki added.

Calling it what it is, an invasion.

I remember way back, I got into an argument with an antivaccer on formula1 of all places. He was so detached from reality it's kinda scary. Of course he posted frequently on conspiracy. It's like nothing matters, nothing can be true outside of that echo chamber.

They really don't believe their eyes, it's kinda scary.

If I understand it correctly, and please correct me if I'm wrong, Russian interference in Syria has been exceptionally devastating for Isis in the region.

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QAnon embracing diversity and inclusiveness. Gotta love it

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Unfettered immigration? Theres exactly not a single country who has that. Some more strict than others, but none unfettered.

You know what other countries have economic downturns at the moment? Damn near everyone. Get your head out of your ass and start pointing fingers in the right direction. Not the weakest or labour immigration.

Christ, this hateful bullshit has been spouted thousands of years and the only times it's ruined societies has been when it's not immigration, but colonisation.

Not to take away from a lot of the other despicable shit done by Israel's defence forces, but you have to be a special kind of awful to murder a child. Doesn't matter if you believe you're entitled to the land or whatnot. There's really no way to justify killing children. Only hope the people who are responsible for actions like these gain some sort of awareness and have to live the rest of their lives with what they've done.

"A protracted legal dispute is not in the interests of any party, least of all the complainants who we recognise have already experienced significant distress as a result of this incident,"

This was their apology? Or did I miss something?

It is. To the detriment of everyone

So, they were housed and fed while working 18 hour days, thus not being able to leave the house. So that's their defence, that you have to take shelter into context. When they couldn't leave.... Fucking throw the book at them

Wait, no joke? Ræl is not a very nice thing to call someone in Norwegian

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On ethics.....

Taking my oldest skiing for the first time in her life

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Eli5 on Joe Manchin please? Never heard of him

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After the pathetic loser killed 97 people in Norway, the vast majority were children, he had this to say.

We all live in a murderous world, as the events in Norway have shown, with 97 [sic] dead. Though that is nothing compared to what happens in McDonald’s and Kentucky Fried shit every day.” So not only is he a racist cunt, he's a despicable piece of shit in other ways as well.

Fuck Morrissey. Hope he gets remembered for the person he is, not the music he made

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It's both infuriating and embarrassing

Poor strawman mate. You don't have to be "a geoblocking fan," you can despise it, while also not enabling privacy invasive firms.

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40 and same

I'm not in or from the US, but I'm guessing unemployment doesn't pay enough to live the good life? Should just be enough to keep you alive?

If you want to leave you shouldn't worry about starving in the pursuit of better employment imo

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I agree in most cases. However it is an issue when it's no longer a choice.

Anecdotal, but a church/cult where I grew up and went to school, forbid women and girls to wear anything but skirts. Now a lot of them maybe preferred skirts over pants, but it was never their choice.

Gotta say I'm on the fence on this one. Women should be allowed to wear whatever the hell they want, but it is a problem when a garment is occasionally forced on only them. I have no good solution

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For Truman, news of the successful Trinity test set up a momentous choice: whether or not to deploy the world’s first weapon of mass destruction. But it also came as a relief, as it meant the United States wouldn’t have to rely on the increasingly adversarial Soviet Union to enter World War II against Japan.


By the morning of August 9, 1945, Soviet troops had invaded Manchuria and Sakhalin Island, but there was still no word from the Japanese government regarding surrender.


Moreover, regular incendiary bombing raids were destroying huge portions of one city after another, food and fuel were in short supply, and millions of civilians were homeless. General Curtis LeMay, the commander of American air forces in the Pacific, estimated that by the end of September he would have destroyed every target in Japan worth hitting. The argument that Japan would have collapsed by early fall is speculative but powerful.


I don't know what Truman thought, but I do think saving US soldiers and avoiding The Soviet Union must have weighed in on the decision to nuke cities.

I know isn't that great of a source, but I have to go back to work.

Not going to judge you or anyone for it, but I'ma be honest it does strike me as odd to use that word instead of woman. Woman's a perfectly good word, and it's not being used in a derogatory manner, which I assume you agree female most definitely does in some circles

Not going to get into an argument about the mod or the op, but I've never heard someone say female instead of woman or girl. Only seen it online (more often than not in a negative manner,) or nature documentaries.

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A while ago me and my now wife moved out of the country for her studies. We didn't live together at the time so I was hesitant about selling my place. I also didn't want to travel all the way back for showings, maintenance or whatever. So I used a broker/realtor.

And I'm glad I did, as the last people who lived there just stopped paying rent. That economic burden fell on the realtor. They didn't treat my place nicely, and that was my cost to fix. But I still would have been in a difficult situation with potential squatters who refused to pay rent if it weren't for them.

I agree that it's more often than not pointless, but I was lucky to use them.

Devils advocate here: isn't the reasoning behind the hijab bans that it's sexist, not a safety issue?

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Thank you

Then I really don't see the issue. Not like people would willingly put themselves in that kind of situation without a reason

I live there. And as someone else said, get a job that will relocate you or apply for a school is likely the easiest way in.

I don't know why it's uncomfortable for women here, but I assume they would feel that way whether they revealed their gender or not

Good. Glad to see we're doing the right thing

So here's what I (think I) know. Proper historians please correct me.

Modern history saw Palestine mainly populated by Christians and Muslims till late 1800s, when a rise in Zionism led to increased migration into Palestine. This kept increasing and really accelerated from Germany in mid 1930s (strange huh.)

When Israel officially got its title as a nation given to them by the UN in 1947, the Arab nations all voted against as they felt the share of Palestine left to be called Palestine was not enough.

Conflict has been escalating since. But I feel this is the basis for the conflict as it is today.

Strange how you only reply to the comments echoing your beliefs and not the others calling your shit out. Nice new strawman by the way. Open border and free for all. Fucking moron, no one's saying that except other trolls

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Hot dogs and hot chocolate:)

Not trying to downplay what Japan did, but I don't think that's why they dropped the bombs. Russia was closing in and the US didn't seem keen on having to divide up Japan like they did in Europe. I'd say it's more likely civilian targets were bombed to put social pressure on the emperor and government to accept defeat.

These bombs don't discriminate, so even put into context like you say, it's still not a good argument

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Oh I absolutely agree. I have no idea how to give women more autonomy when they are stuck in these repressive households.

What you're speaking of is how it should be, how to get there is not easy.