Plex will be blocking access from at least one VPS provider to – 282 points –

Appears to be Hetzner for now, wouldn't be surprised if all VPS get affected eventually.


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You're the one who mentioned 2013. My point in the original comment was about now. It wasn't mentioned explicitly but I meant it

always worth the extra effort

Here I am thinking always means past, present, and future. What a fucking idiot I am 🤦‍♂️.

Hey man why the rudeness? We're just trying to have a conversation ..

I think that person is a troll. I’ve seen him post inflammatory shit elsewhere.

Jellyfish is a much better option now, by far. It it’s not a decade ago right now so I’m not sure why he’s so hung up on that?

Edit: yeah look at his stats hahaha. He’s also replying with an alt account