Europeans, what is something that Americans have/do that makes no sense to you?

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No, no, this is the correct reaction to someone asking something about "America".

Fuck the USA for capitalizing the name of both land masses for itself.

It's the United States of America as in there are many states united in a union and that union resides in (N) America. Blame the Italian guy who drew the map in the 1600s and stuck his name on two separate continents. I mean he could have named one of them Amerigo and one Vaspucci. Furthermore I have almost always announced myself as a Virginian to bewildered stares. Perchance maybe you all should learn that each one of our states is technically its own country. I doubt many French people have to explain that France is in Europe as I have to Explain that Virginia is the First of the 13 original East Coast Colonies the British Settled on the North American Coantinent and still be met with bewilderment.

The states are in America.

The states are united.

It's not a name so much as it's a descriptor

So you could have a "United States of South America" , then we would have to talk lol