Europeans, what is something that Americans have/do that makes no sense to you?

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Most people aren't hugely divided on guns. Like you said, you're seeing the two extremes of the parties, not the will of the people. Browsing Lemmy would convince you that everyone except for the big bad GOP wants guns banned, and that's simply not true. Most people want responsible gun limitations, not total gun bans.

Problem though is, define "responsible gun limitations."

That could mean anything from "just ending private sale" to "full on confiscation of millions of firearms from millions of people, that have the usual laundry list of california un-approved accessories for no reason" depending on who you're talking to.

Most of the laws proposed in the last 20yr are either entirely innefective or too effective and could easily be abused to deny people their rights (those people are usually the marginalized or disenfranchised, not rich white men, of course).