Europeans, what is something that Americans have/do that makes no sense to you?

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Da fuq is wrong with a sandwich for lunch?

Whats the correct time to have a sandwich then?

where I live, sandwich isn't really a lunch-like dish. it's okay for breakfest or dinner, but for lunch, usually we have cooked food. Soup and main course. My country is big in home made food.

Sandwich for lunch is just... doesn't really feel like a lunch here 😅

Ah. Our weekday Dinner is usually at suppertime or teatime here. Lunch is something quick to eat at work. Cook when we get home, our home-cooked meal is usually around 8pm in my house. Who is cooking these big home cooked meals so you can have dinner at lunch?

Now calories - wise, lunch is where it's at. I do usually eat the most calories mid-day (often leftovers from last night dinner) because I don't like to be full to sleep. But cook when I get home from work for a family meal, and have a nice small plate of good freshly cooked food.