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Joined 10 months ago

Yeah, package manager is a big one. Many of us got burned by rpm's early on and just avoided all rpm-based distros since then.

Of course as you say that hasn't been a problem for over 10 years but the scars haven't gone away.

I'd only recommend Ubuntu to someone if I knew they knew some else using Ubuntu (so I could tell them to hassle that person instead of me when they have problems).

Otherwise, I'd absolutely recommend Fedora, because it's actually up to date unlike Debian. I use it myself because it tends to have the best of what the open source community has to offer while not needing constant tweaking

even Valve told Ubuntu users to use the Flatpak for Steam instead of the Snap

Hahaha really? That's awesome. I wonder if Canonical will ever take the hint that nobody wants Snap when better, more open alternatives exist

If I was going to r/FortNiteBR, I'd be using private browsing mode on mobile firefox too

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"Old guy still doesn't understand how anyone could be working if he can't physically see them working"

Fully remote is the way of the future, in tech anyway. Use the money you saved on not renting office space to fly teams to the same area for a week or so a few times a year, there's definite value in meeting, working together in person and going out for a beer afterwards. For short stints.

Otherwise, the lack of commute and the ability to focus uninterrupted for longer periods is massive advantage for remote work

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The enshittifications will continue until morale improves

There might be lots of lurkers, like myself

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Being able to uninstall OneDrive is a game changer. That thing annoys me so much

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It's up there with Do-Not-Track.

Completely pointless because it's not enforced

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Who cares?

Ubuntu is a shell of what it once was. They're not going to make Snap optional, they need to justify its existence by releasing everything as snaps with no alternative so you have to use it.

Or, just use Debian if you like Debian-style distros?

Or, wait for it - this is gonna sound a bit radical but hear me out - give Fedora a try? Flatpak instead and unlike Debian Stable has packages from this century

Inb4 btw I use Arch

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"security reasons" is the classic cop-out for making users lives more miserable.

Like what are you gonna do, argue that you don't care about security?

The first thing I noticed. I was confused, thinking maybe they had an old XP machine lying around to plug in after the main one failed, but then I read further and it was just a stunt

Why is it that security guys always think their issues are more important than any other issues?

Like well done you, you ran an automated tool over the codebase and it picked up some outdated dependencies.

We cant just update these dependencies because the newer versions have breaking changes and we already have a backlog of 32767 issues to deal with.

It's not security debt, it's just general technical debt.

Why is the issue that is only exploitable in a contorted scenario where the user has broken out of a VM and gained root on the hypervisor more important than the issue preventing our largest customer from tripling their volume on our platform?

Not to mention the joke that's been made of the CVE system due to resume padding by the security industry...

Me too, the red band on the left hand side

In my experience most non-Microsoft organisations use Mac's for development but deploy to Linux in production.

It's rather insane because this of course creates lots of subtle differences between Dev and prod, although not as many as if dev was a Windows box.

To answer your question though - just ask in the interview what the deal is so you know what you're in for.

If you deviate from the norm (i.e request a Linux box when everyone else is using MacOS) you're always going to be the guy with issues that nobody else has.

If the company has any kind of standard mobile device management - it probably won't work on Linux.

This will trigger the security team and probably the IT team because there's always this outlier device that can't run the standard VPN client or can't have DNS config pushed to it or the Linux version of some app has bugs that don't surface on the Mac version

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Front end programmer doing full stack:

Apes together strong!

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It's more like android apps from early versions of Android before the permissions became user-managable.

It won't prompt you to give the application access to certain permissions, all the permissions are predefined in the manifest by whoever published the application to flathub. When you run the application you just hope it won't cause too much havoc (you can of course verify the permissions before running it, but I guarantee most people won't)

Flatpak supports sandboxing but due to how most desktop applications want access to your home folder, network etc many apps simply disable it.

Regardless of the level of sandboxing applied to the app, Flatpak is a great way for a developer to package once run anywhere. Prior to Flatpak, if you wanted to support multiple distros, you had to build a package for each distro or hope somebody working on that distro would do it for you.

Inb4 AppImage was here first. And if you mention Snap then GTFO

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I'd never heard of this before now but an infinite horizontal scrolling window manager is an interesting concept. Might check it out!

Still kind of relevant today; benevolent big corporate appreciating the work of its faithful office slaves

/s just in case

Purescript is like a modern Haskell. Completely different programming paradigm, much less accessible to your average JS developer just wanting to tighten up their code without having to learn category theory

Oh no, our ads didn't work as well as we wanted them to!


It could've gone the other way with worse outcomes for the medicine group.

In that case, you might want to be in the placebo group.

Either way it's a gamble

I don't know if YouTube died per se, but it certainly became enshittified.

Heaps of content creators sold out to advertising interests and degraded their own platform. Not that I blame them really, money always talks

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That actually works. It's like your healthcare system, those who pay the most get the best service

In Australia, you call your mates cunt and cunts mate

If I didn't have Google Maps Transit to navigate western Europe, Singapore and even Los Angeles I'd be completely screwed because I come from a country with next to no public transport and had no idea how it was meant to work

Err, no. Lossless compression is lossless and there are a bunch of techniques to ensure that a copy is bit-for-bit identical to the original

It's a shame what happened with NBN in Australia. Fantastic idea, shit execution because they cheaped out.

The poor man pays twice

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I refuse to acknowledge this as antique

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Look, the oil rich countries arent going to discover freedom by themselves

I mean, the US government isn't unfairly singling it out for one...

I mean, it does have a reputation...

Philosoraptor memes were my favourite memes

Finder is an abortion, there is not a single thing it does well

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Only 31% profit instead of 100%? Outrageous!

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No way. Even if you try to run Linux on it, the keyboard is a mac mangled keyboard.

You're better off leaving it on MacOS, which is still better than Windows but not by much

Lol, Snap.

Wish Canonical would just kill it already

Oh, I don't care about Windows that much to bother googling things like that.

It lives in a VM so I can run CAD software like LayOut which I use very infrequently.

I've also got a windows partition lying around that gets booted into once per year incase I go to a LAN party, but Steam / Proton has really come a long way so I can probably drop that soon

If I had a dollar for the number of BS CVE's submitted by security hopefuls trying to pad their resumes...

To be fair it's probably running on Windows.

All the servers force-restarted due to windows updates, but the update introduced an issue and now the Bing API service won't start

Keeping shit running on Windows is always going to be a gamble

Let's say your country was about to be invaded, your house stolen and you sent elsewhere or killed so that citizens of the invading country could occupy your house and your land instead.

And all of that not happening was hinged on the physical prowess of an old guy who's probably been in politics for decades.

How helpless would you feel?