US economy going strong under Biden – Americans don’t believe it to politics – 659 points –
US economy going strong under Biden – Americans don’t believe it

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Ok, you're right. It depends on an individualcs defination of a strong economy. Generally, in a stable nation, a economic depression is accompanied by deflation. I can trot out FRED graphs that agree with me, but graphs are funny like the pirates vs global warming joke.

All that said, generally, in a stable nation, when alot of working folks are losing their jobs inflations slows hard or we hit a lil deflation.

A strong advancing economy means goods/services are easier to come by/afford (more advanced tech/infra), which for a currency with the same supply would mean decreasing prices, i.e. "deflation".

No. Is this a bad LLM bot?

Try thinking for a minute about the actual fundamentals. Same number of people, same amount of money, same amount of time put in, more goods produced, goods cost less.

People treat economics like a frigging religion, IDK how people end up believing the opposite of something so basic as that. And then to actually get that arrogant over it, saying I sound like a bad LLM bot. That's just rude.