I hate using mobile to read articles

Polpota@lemmy.world to Mildly Infuriating@lemmy.world – 1410 points –

Video playing, ad that scrolls, two lines of a story, the bottom popping up with notifications every few minutes over the top of more scrolling ads.

Yay internet.

Edit: Oh wow! Did not expect so many responses. First let me say, thank you for taking the time to read and respond! To address the biggest response to use Firefox I actually have it on my phone it's just remembering to break the habit. This was more to show what an average user who just uses what they're used to experiences on mobile browsing.


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AdBlock and RSS

I haven't used RSS except circa 2000 when I tried adding a feed to my browser one time.

Do you have any recommendations on how to get a newsfeed set up. Are there any recommended apps?

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Thank you for introducing me to RSS!

I’ve never checked it out before now.

Yes its back from the old internet and fixes a lot of the new internet lolz

I wish I could vote you up 1000x for the RSS recommend. I've never stopped using it (even though many people snickered when I mentioned it - "oh, that old thing ?" - but I've never been one to care what is considered "cool" when it comes to technology anyway) only on the desktop, using elfeed, mostly.

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