Reddit pressures mods to end the blackout as they find new ways to protest to – 92 points –
Reddit pressures mods to end the blackout as they find new ways to protest

The battle continues


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I don't think Reddit could have handled this worse than they are. Those who are against Reddit may be a vocal minority, but in terms of moderation and content creation Im hoping we are the majority and Reddit slowly dwindles as spam and bots take over and content dries up.

Agreed. I feel like someday this incident is going to be taught to MBA students as a 'what not to do'.

I’m going to use today’s submarine incident as a crude metaphor.

For the sake of all those trapped inside, I hope the implosion is extremely fast and humane. No need to prolong suffering. It could and should be a hard lesson for CEO’s trying to cut corners to get rich, avoiding the advice of experts.

Though, unlike the submarine, I believe Spez can actually still sink lower.

I mean, this just makes sense. If you are a content creator on reddit then you are subject to reddits whim, meanwhile content creators on lemmy get to choose an instance that moderates/admins closer to their needs and if that instance stops being useful to them for whatever reason, they can just pack up and move to another one. The more we scale the more prominent this effect will be and as long as we have some amount of organic growth we are destined to outcompete reddit I think.