2 Post – 86 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

...did you watch the video? You can see their contributions have been $0 year after year with their tax filings, and Jirard admitted they haven't donated anything.

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Amazon. Fuck Amazon.

Weird headphones don't use ucb-c, there is already a standard for headphones and it's the 3.5mm audio jack.

4 more... plug headphones in. How is this a genuine question?

People still use their phones to listen to music and wireless earphones are almost universally garbage, require charging, and produce insane amounts of e-waste. Wired headphones don't have these issues

you are aware that other people live different lives to you, and do things differently right? I listen to music to fall asleep, and I plug my phone into my car via the 3.5mm jack to listen to music. You ask how often it would be a problem? It would be a problem every single day

The YouTube channel Linus Tech Tips is a very large part of the tech space, reviewing, and making videos about technology. This is actually bigger than that as it speaks to Linus media group, of which Linus tech tips is one of many tech related channels.

these platforms have the know how to deal with spam and they will be incentivised to share that tech with other federated instances.

Based on what? These private companies aren't going to share anything because they owe it to their shareholders not to.

I dont think any of your points are wrong, it's just the association with Facebook people are anti. The fediverse has a great reputation for being completely removed from profit motive driven mega corporations. Facebook joining is gonna make people question the fediverse is my understanding.

Nobody is going to buy a cyber truck because they will never be mass produced

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I don't think Reddit could have handled this worse than they are. Those who are against Reddit may be a vocal minority, but in terms of moderation and content creation Im hoping we are the majority and Reddit slowly dwindles as spam and bots take over and content dries up.

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It's gotta be ketamine

Good riddance

Maybe an unpopular opinion, but if a product can only exist if it's consumer-unfriendly, perhaps it shouldn't exist at all.

Sure wireless earphones can be convenient, but the extra e-waste, the non replaceable batteries, the Bluetooth transceivers, the DACs used (while the device you're streaming from almost certainly already has these things) is super wasteful.

I think if we have any chance as a society, we need to start thinking about the products we use and how they are produced and how much waste they create, instead of just how convenient they are at the time.

I feel like my Garmin could probably survive being run over by a car

What an incredibly bad and ignorant take. If you can make more money flipping burgers, trades will have no choice but to raise their wages to compete. Or, quit your job and go flip burgers if that's a better deal.

Fast food places are so fundamental as a stepping stone to building a career and to say only children who are exploited should be working there only says you are ok exploiting children.

If someone is working to serve you your food, they deserve a living wage.

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I was looking for a bbq thermometer yesterday and all I could find was smart wifi/Bluetooth thermometers. Why the fuck does a thermometer need wifi/Bluetooth?!?

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You think selling something that isn't yours, after you told the owner you would return it, is drama for the sake of drama?

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Short for utility vehicle. Basically anything with a cabin, and some sort of bed or tray at the back.

"pretty small", it's like 2 Canada's.

I've been there, but you can definitely find hobbies that cost nothing.

Hiking/walking/running is free and good for your mental and physical health (although if you dont have appropriate footwear, I'd stick to walking).

Music production is free (if you already own a computer) with free DAWs and free plugins. This is a great way to be creative, learning music theory is also free but not super necessary

Writing is free, this can include fiction, as well as journaling. I enjoy journaling but

Software hacking is free with ghidra and x64dbg, I've been working through crackers, which are pieces of software written specifically to be cracked.

Programming is free and the resources to learn programming are free. If you have no experience python is super easy to jump into.

3D modelling is fun to learn and again, free. Fusion360 will give you a free license for personal use, or there are other free options. I learnt this to 3D custom designs, and your local library probably has a 3D printer to use if you want to go that route.

Your city almost certainly has a free art gallery, I love spending days at the art gallery with headphones listening to beautiful music and looking at beautiful art.

Cooking can be a fun hobby, and although not free, it's money you were hopefully going to spend anyway, it can be fun to find new recipes and try them. And if you plan correctly and buy in bulk, you can save money this way.

Contribute to open street maps, this is free and helps the community.

Of course the more fun hobbies, and more traditional hobbies do cost money, and can get very expensive very quickly so I do understand your frustration, but finding free cheap hobbies was key to getting out of my depression and I urge you to find something, these suggestions may not be right for you but it just shows there are options

Companies want your money and nothing else. Any wokeness you are perceiving is a strategy to make the most money out of their customer base.

Companies pandering to "wokeness" have done the math and figure more of their customers support it than not. This isn't really wokeness, it's pandering.

There's a pretty distinct difference between eating eggs, and egg being an ingredient

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Why would I use other platforms?

Don't let the door hit you on your way out

I don't care for Gob

MattKC has a lot of great content, he patched Lego Island a while ago to make it playable on modern systems

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yes, but also fuck Sony, let's not pretend there are no PlayStation exclusives.

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You seem to have no idea what communism is. You're just spouting classic anti-communist propaganda. I'd recommend doing some unbiased research.

Meanwhile, I'm happy to support the communists who give us a platform the users are in charge of, instead of a capitalist who earns money off the back of free labor from it's users

Might be a cultural thing, but after googling what a camp collar is, to me that screams "mum dresses me" far more than a plain black t-shirt

I have no idea what I'm gonna do when my LG eventually dies. I went from the v30 to the v40 and now the v50. Not a single phone on the market offers what I want in a phone anymore

Not sure what exactly you mean by headset. But headphones and IEMs will use a 3.5mm or 1/4" jack. My sennheisers use it, my beyerdynamics use it, my audio Technicas use it. Even my KZ IEMs and moondrop IEMs use it. This is a universal standard for a reason.

And not sure what the data rate has to do with anything. It's an audio connector, it's not used to transfer data, it's used to move the drivers in a set of headphones. As usb-c doesn't output line level audio, any headset you have that uses it needs its own DAC and amp which is problematic for e-waste reasons.

FYI you can install replacement launches that get rid of these ads

Because you've purchased the movies ya dingus

That’s why I hate money and the setup of the world, is plain satanic if you ask me.

Don't drag satan into this, the world is overwhelmingly more christian than satanic.

No information about the drivers and no frequency response graphs doesn't fill me with confidence.

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It makes more sense if you change the 'no' to a 'not', at least for me.

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If you want to go down the rabbit hole on how insane this guy is, I highly recommend this video:

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you have great taste don't let anyone tell you otherwise

Today's younger generation mostly watch content on their phones, Instagram, tik tok, YouTube etc. They're holding their phone portrait to view this content so that's how they produce content. And that's a popular demographic to target so yeah, it's catching on for better or worse

As an adult I'm only gaining more and more friends tbh. Sure some old ones are lost but a partner is no replacement for a few good friendship circles. If you're putting all your social needs on one person, that's a lot of pressure and they are unlikely to be able to fulfill that role, nor are you for them.

Your partner can be your best friend, but they shouldn't be your only friend

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It definitely is a good choice for some people, I wouldn't give my mother in law an Android device.

But the iphone as a platform is inferior because it can do less (although Android is definitely headed in a similar direction)