Intel is making progress on a handy new material for building even bigger computer chips: glass

Mog to – 198 points –
Intel is making progress on a handy new material for building even bigger computer chips: glass

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I think it'll take a new component/circuit design for quantum to be viable for home computing similar to the transformation that happened to computers after the addition of the transistor

As of yet, quantum computers need exotic cooling. Perhaps there will be some clever way around that, but it may not be solvable. That would keep it forever out of reach of common home or office use.

And digital computers needed tube relays and entire buildings to work. With innovation and time, it'll become more easily handled

You can't just assume any one thing will work out. There are plenty of dead ends in technology.

While true, it doesn't mean we should stop. At worst, we find techniques that improve other areas of technology

With innovation and time, it’ll become more easily handled

Not if you're literally bumping against the laws of physics of the universe. There may be some things that will never come to pass, technologically. FTL travel might be one of them, for example.

Honestly the laws of physics are constantly in flux and there's no telling what we could create to circumvent the limits we're currently pushing.

As I mentioned in my example: before the innovations with transistors, there was no way to make a portable computer. It was physically impossible

I'd love to see us figure out a way to cool quantum computers for the same price it costs to power conventional ones.

Imagine what such efficiency gains would mean for food preservation in poor nations.

I'm more expecting innovations to reduce the need for the super cooling but same

I doubt quantum computing is ever gonna be viable for home computing. The benefits they offer over conventional computing are largely irrelevant to almost anything you might be doing at home, and better materials or manufacturing methods won't change that.

Depends on how we approach viability, imo

Can we currently see a reason for it with its current abilities/functions? No


We can look right at the history of conventional computing to predict a possible timeline for it. Single purpose computational machines that took a lot of power, a lot of room, and were fairly rare. Used for military or research purposes. Multi purpose machines that could run user created calculations and were slightly smaller and efficient. Begins to be used in more academic settings Multipurpose machines capable of being used to aid general office staff, continue to become more compact and efficient Portability becomes possible for select few with a need And so on until we arrive to now where nearly everything and everyone has a computer