Most U.S. adults don't believe benefits of AI outweigh the risks, new survey finds to – 516 points –

The majority of U.S. adults don't believe the benefits of artificial intelligence outweigh the risks, according to a new Mitre-Harris Poll released Tuesday.


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A lot of companies investigated cryptocurrency obliquely; "blockchain" was the hype word for several years in tech. And several of those companies had a serious sunk-cost fallacy going when they perpetuated their blockchain projects, despite blockchain only at best being a case of Worse Is Better, where a solution that sucks, but exists can be better than a perfect option that doesn't.

I agree with you that blockchain and cryptocurrency is a scam and has no uses, and I know that several tech companies sprung up to try to make a profit/scam people with "blockchain" tech. But Google/Microsoft/etc never went for those, whereas they are using AI tech. I don't think LLM's/AI's are a fad or a scam, I think there's genuine use cases for them.

Microsoft definitely did:

I wouldn't be surprised if there were also serious internal discussions from some cryptocurrency booster within the ranks at Google as well.

And this is an example of the "AI as a continuation of the same grift as blockchain" pipeline, with exactly the same vague business wank with no substance behind it: