New wave of Mastodon users thanks to Elon Musk floating around the idea of charging everyone for Twitter to – 498 points –

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Elon didn't say he would charge all the X/Twitter users. The media just made that up.

Good for Mastodon, though.

Elon didn’t say he would charge all the X/Twitter users.

What do you mean by that? He didn't say he was definitely going to do so right now, but he proposed it with quite some degree of seriousness. I don't intend to watch the whole video with Netanyahu to make sure what he said exactly, but all the articles I've seen are too detailed and explicit for it to be just an aside that the media blew out of proportion.

Seems like that’s what he said to me, a “monthly payment to use the platform”…am I reading it wrong?

Elon Musk says X, formerly known as Twitter, is considering having its users pay a "small monthly payment" to use the social media platform.

Musk did not elaborate on how much payment would be to use X, but said it would be a "small amount of money."


You're telling me an industry that profits off viewership might occasionally put wrong information in a headline to get more attention?