DuckDuckGo CEO says Google kills competition through phone deals that make it hard for users to switch search engines to – 1183 points –
DuckDuckGo CEO says Google kills competition through phone deals that make it hard for users to switch search engines: β€˜It’s too many steps’

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I can't find shit anymore, always spam sites angry at my ad blocker or YouTube videos, which are angry at my ad blocker.

The first half of the first page is all ads now on Google. It's utter shit - the things it's a lot better at than DDG is NLP, being able to understand questions, and anything news related. If you know exactly what you're searching for though, using the old style of search words works great on DDG

Search engines are about to be replaced by AI anyway.

If you want good results, use something like

It is slow, so it isn't my main engine. But those results are amazing. You can be very specific in what you are searching and keep refining your search since it remembers your previous results, it tells you why the result is relevant and it also gives summaries of the website so you can know what it says before you click on it.

It truly is artificial intelligent searching.