First Google Search Result for Tiananmen Square “Tank Man” Is AI Generated Selfie

Lee to – 228 points –

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Make an effort to use bangs and I bet you'll stay under the limit. Edit: bang searches don't count towards the limit

Knowing I wanted a result from a certain site but using the search engine to get there was a (bad) habit I brought over from Google.

!imdb barbie

!w mattel

There's even custom bangs, which is something DDG doesn't give you: !libgen some book

DDG claims 13.5k existing bangs, and here's a form to add a new one

But they don't allow bangs for sites that do illegal things like copyright infringement. Libgen was my example.

@Byter allowing illegal stuff *and* taking money doesn't bode that well for their longevity.

Custom bangs are private to the user. It's not dissimilar to saving a bookmark in your browser, except your bookmarks are hosted by someone else.

It doesn't have to be about legality either. Maybe you like a service that is being protested by DDG for whatever reason.