How do pre-reddit influx lemmy members feel? to – 78 points –

I was wondering how the pre-reddit lemmy members feel about the influx of ex-reddit. Have things got worst or better? Is there any lemmy etiquette that we are missing?


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Let's flip the argument around. Lets say i wrote:

'if people started flying rainbow flags on their cars in my country , I'll keep a baseball bat in my car'

Do you think i deserve to be perma banned for 'advocating violence'?

Yeah I gotta say personally both sentences sound violent to me. They can absolutely be understood in both a violent and a window-smashing way, but the wording is so on the line that I too wouldn't want to see it in a community.

The meaning of what we say or write is not purely what is meant by the speaker/writer but also in large part what the audience or the person we speak to hears and understands. As the person saying something, we always have to be aware of how it may be understood or misunderstood. We all have different contexts, experiences and ways of communicating. All we can do is be as specific as possible to remove any uncertainty. Vague wording is how dog-whistling operates.

Maybe a better way of wording it would have been:

"if people start flying (...) flags on their cars in my country, they better watch out for their windows 'cause I'll be keeping a baseball bat in my car"

No, in my opinion that follows the rules, it's not inherently violent. I think the implication is gross, and would rightfully be downvoted, but it doesn't break any rules. It's a bit of a false equivalency though considering LGBTQ+ people weren't actively killing thousands of civilians, destroying homes, and raping thousands of women, like the Russian government was orchestrating at the time (and still is from my understanding, it's just not interesting enough for the fucked 24 hours news cycle any more).