Microsoft Edge, anyone? to – 106 points –

I recently discovered that you can get Microsoft Edge for Linux (🤢🤮) and am curious... does anyone here use Edge for Linux, or have you ever? What was your reasoning for using it?

EDIT: Well, you all have provided some interesting perspectives I hadn't ever considered. Including one which means I'll have to install Edge, so... thanks, I guess. 😂


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In my opinion, the only proprietary browner (and remember that it is partially proprietary) worth even though it is proprietary is Vivaldi


You mean the browser that literally states in their privacy policy that they assign an id to your device and send a ping every 24 hours containing this id and some other metadata including a part of your IP address with which they perform a geoip lookup to approximate your location?

Which they're planning to remove

I'm not sure if I understand this article correctly but as far as I can tell, they kinda contradict themselves. While they talk about not collecting anything (which I understand as “we disable phoning home in its entirety”) they later talk about removing the id and still wanting to get the same information as before minus the id. While I appreciate the move, I have two problems with it:

  • The headline is imo misleading because while they technically won't track you, they'll still force you to send some telemetry data, leading directly to problem two,
  • You'll still not be able to opt-out entirely like, for example, on Firefox