Call Me Mañana

@Call Me Mañ
1 Post – 58 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

🇧🇷 Latino-Americano. Estudante de Física. Marxista.

A propósito, eu uso Arch.

🇻🇦 Latinus-Americanus. Discipulus Physicae. Marxista.

Ipse Arch utor per viam.

very cool my man

wtf why this comment have 7 downvotes

And that's how Unreal become a monopoly in 3d game development

Isn't just piracy that's dying, in my opinion, it's gaming itself, or, at least, gaming as it used to be.

Besides Denuvo being a technology so bad that actually makes the original game worst than a copy without it, everyday comes with tons and tons of games with a pay-to-win approach or some kind of PBE. The only new, original and fun games nowadays are the indies, and it will be that way for a long time, as the industry seems to focus more and more in the mobile market since it's already bigger than the PC and console together.


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Perhaps to make people pay for the new one.


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In my country, this generational divide doesn't make much sense. But comparing those born in the 90s and early 2000s with those born from the late 2000s onwards, there is a fundamental difference: there was, even in the public education system, a variety of computer courses available to many people. With the arrival and hegemony of the app model, which is designed with the idea that it is intuitive and does not require anyone to be taught how to use it, computer courses have been disappearing. As a result, millions of young people use computers daily and have no knowledge of simple concepts such as shortcuts Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V, let alone advanced features of Office suites, not to mention that they have no idea what LATEX and Markdown are.

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He could have return to the US.

And be executed for treason?

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Don't be ridiculous. The US government is doing everything it can to convict Assange of treason and he is not even American. Manning denounced soldiers, and things were light on her because of the direct intervention of President Obama. Snowden denounced the National Security Agency, including actions directed directly by the presidency, there is no way to compare.

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You see, even Mozilla uses reCaptcha and other Google APIs. Companies that "fight for freedom" will only do the minimal. Still, I think is worthy to send an email do System 76 with this reclamation.


I have a few better (in my opinion) motives to why I am not getting any fair phone:

• There's not such a thing like ethical consume under capitalism.

• It isn't environmental good to change from a working phone to anything.

• The new costs above $600 and the old ones costs around $400. This is a bunch of money and here in my country is almost 2 monthly minimum wages, without taxes, of course.

So I am sticking with my old Samsung, thank you.


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My logic is survival, you know, a human instinct. And nothing you said about Snowden makes his statement wrong.

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Didn't you read the post? They are probably doing a remaster or remake and don't want people to buy the old version...


Gaming is definitely not dying it is a huge market.

Because of it I said "gaming as it used to be."


So you change from the payed system that advertises but at least still have the option to use other things to the free os/over priced device that doesn't need to advertise since the only option is to use their shit? Really an improvement...


Untrue, I was born in 2003 and torrenting go brrrrrrrrrrrr

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Seriously speaking, YES.

“The modern revisionists and reactionaries call us Tankies, thinking that they insult us and, in fact, that is their aim. On the contrary, however, they glorify us with this epithet: it is an honour for us to be Tankies, because, since we were Tankies, the enemy could not conquer us, and never will conquer us as long as we remain Tankies.”

--Enver Hoxha, paraphrased.

(As far as Hungary is concerned, I don't advocate for anything that Khrushchev did)


The Jetsons still lived in a world with class exploitation, George works on a bulshit job btw.


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There have been Linux distros that cover 100% of Windows functionality without the need to use CLI (and even add more functionality) for years. I think the only possible way to have problems is with Wayland and NVIDIA. Usability has never been the problem: the problem is that Windows is the industry standard, so most applications and games are developed for it, most workplaces use it, all computers come with it pre-installed...


regime that makes US surveillance seem like a walk in the park

There isn't such a thing as "good surveillance", or "better surveillance", if you do surveillance you can't pretend a position of moral superiority to others who do the same, even if you still don't chase people who say certain things online, it's on the horizon. Thanks to Snowden sacrifice we know some of the USA government surveillance. He didn't "back down at the first sign of trouble", what he did made him lose the life he had, I'd like to see you in his position.

I don't care about the messenger, I care about the message, if it's true, it doesn't matter who's saying it. If Putin says the sky is blue, it won't turn green. Can Snowden have another intention when he talks about what Adobe is doing? Maybe, I personally doubt it. The point is: this is irrelevant. This does not change the core of what Adobe is doing in any way, nor does it make what it is saying a lie. Just as Stallman defending a member of Epstein's list does not make false anything that he has said about big corporations, privacy and freedom.

I use both. Proton pass is good because you can create, free of charge, up to 10 aliases for your proton mail account.


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I started with Arch too! Thinking in drop it only if is for Artix or ParabolaOS


Best aesthetic is Cassette Futurism


First: you're comparing Chess, what's a super simple algorithm, in what machines already "outclassed humans" like, years ago, with anything humans can do. That's is simplist and wrong.

Second: until today, the so called Artificial "Intelligence" were only capable of, by consulting a human made big catalogue of many things humans did, reproduce some parts of it or resume a little, what is not that difficult if you have a good synonyms dictionary and tons of human people training you on what is a decent resume and what isn't. In resume, A."I." doesn't do anything that people didn't did before, and, when it comes to write texts, it does something objectly worst, in a self-help level of writing. A."I. isn't creative.

Third: still, there are objectly a bunch of works that are under attack by A."I.". The thing about this works is that: or they were obviously possible to be automated before, or they are pointless, or they've been doing automatically (a.k.a. alienabally) by the workers, or all the above.

Fourth: the big guys who are trying to sell everyone the idea that A."I." will "outclass all of us" want to believe that there's no need for human work to generate income, what's is materialistically and economically not true at all. They say they dream of a world without hard work, actually they mean a world without us, working class people. But they're wrong, they are still depending on our existence as a class and always will be until the day there will be no classes anymore.


Yes, btw, you know that any site can do this right?

It won't even run with less than 8 gb


I agree that is a extreme example. That's precisely why I started with keyboard shortcuts. I don't think anyone is required to know LaTeX and Markdown, but it seems to me that fewer and fewer younger people know them. If there are fewer people who know the basics, there are proportionally fewer people who know the advanced ones.

If they can plant AI CSAM in my computer they can also plant "real" CSAM in my computer. Your point doesn't make any sense.

Also, please, don’t fall for the Reddit (and now Lemmy) bizarre habit of showing a screenshot of Windows using 4 GBs of RAM and claiming “iT’s AlL tHe bLoaT” because that’s not how Windows’ RAM allocation has worked for the past two decades.

RAM usage is RAM usage, and besides the allocation still being awful and you probably having less RAM available in a heavy task, this means substantial power consumption, that costs money.

You can think that it's normal to do a bunch of things that threaten the system stability to get an OS that barely pretends it's not spying on you anymore. I do not think it's. I don't think it's normal to have to disable advertising on a paid system, but to each their own "¯_(ツ)_/¯".

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What is the conclusion of this statement?

First: nothing you buy will ever be free from exploitation under this system.

Second: buying one product over another will make no difference in society and the world.

Actually, this second conclusion is also a derivation of another statement: individuals do not change a society, collectives do. Boycotts, which are another attempt at conscious consumption, sometimes manage to shut down companies, but they never manage to end the harmful production pattern that these companies were applying in the first place.

And that doesn't mean we should stop consuming everything, because it's impossible to live without consuming.

In the end, conscious consumption only serves to feel good (falsely) about yourself. What is an honest reason to do something.

The Lorax

And that didn't make sense in this case, almost no one pirates games with online multiplayer, even if it has a single-player mode


So good to read this, the 2016 coup d'etat represented, among other things, a huge rollback of our infrastructure that was being passed on to open source systems for years, good to know that we are resuming the right path


Kinda, if you install Linux first, WIndows will not be able to see the space occupied by the Ubuntu partition, so it will not try to fill it, but I would still go with another disk, since the most common problems of dual boot will not occur. And is easier to setup, just install windows in one disk and Ubuntu in another, then you can change the boot by the BIOS menu.


Aham, all the people that are talking about buying one Fair phone these days doesn't already have cellphones. That's veeery credible...


In my opinion, the only proprietary browner (and remember that it is partially proprietary) worth even though it is proprietary is Vivaldi


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For me it was:

Windows (for many years) -> Dual Boot with Arch Linux KDE (for a year) -> Arch Linux KDE


I don't see a problem with that, I think that this information should be public, both prompt and result, because:

  • a. The "AIs" companies already know that, why shouldn't anyone else?
  • b. They use public information to train their models, thus their results should also be public.
  • c. This would be the ultimate way to know that something was "AI" generated.

This is a very different subject from giving acess for your DMs. The only ones who benefit from this information not being publicly available are those who use "AI" for malicious purposes, while everyone benefits from privacy of correspondence.

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No, and that's why I don't use Google or anything that isn't encrypted and sends any data that I consider private to some datacenter. And even when I know the data is encrypted, I am careful, as anyone should be, with data leaving your computer and going to someone else's.

"AI" is not the same thing. Why would I want my prompt to be private if I don't want to use the result in some malicious way, be it generating CSAM or using it to cheat someone to write an article, or to generate a Deep Fake video of someone for an internet scam?

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No. That that is almost never the US justification for war.

This has been used as at least a minor motive in Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Korea, Vietnam and Iraq, to ​​name a few. The consequences are there to be seen.

But yes, saving South Korea from being ruled by the North Korean dictator was a great thing.

At least 3 million of people died in that war, mostly civilians, mostly targeted by USA's bombs (six times more bombs than during the entire Pacific War in a much, much smaller area). No matter what your opinion of the North Korean regime, to praise this war is to praise mass murder.

So that is the same as “fascism”.

Not "same" as fascism, but not democracy at all.

Because you are not comparing it with the absence of democracy, You are comparing it with a perfect democracy. The absence of a perfect democracy is not a “joke”, it is the difference between fascism and non-fascism.

What is democracy? It is the political system where the people govern, directly or indirectly. There is no such thing as "incomplete democracy": either the people govern, or the people do not govern. Absence of democracy means no democracy at all. And for me "no democracy" it is as bad as fascism.

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