Inside Intel's Chip Factory, I Saw the Future. It's Plain Old Glass to – 101 points –
Inside Intel's Chip Factory, I Saw the Future. It's Plain Old Glass

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The problem for chipmakers is not the sourcing of materials itself, but the purity of the sourced material. So don’t worry about public beaches disappearing into Intel’s hopper-feeder.

That totally makes sense that they would need pure sand, idfk how to make that work. But if Intel needs rounded sand grains, then they need to find another way to erode sand into that shape cause ocean sand is quite unique from the billions of years it's had to tumble in the ocean. Otherwise Intel will indeed be using ocean sand.

Also it occurred to me that making chips on glass could be more recyclable since glass is also recyclable. 🤔 Would be good if that happens!

Seeing as they melt the stuff, I’m not sure the grains need to be rounded.

That... makes a lot of sense, I hadn't considered that.

Let's not be hasty.

Surely free-range, organic, gluten-free sand would be the bestest source material ever.

slaps roof of Sahara

"This bad boy can keep so much sand in it"