The AI Revolution is Rotten to the Core to – 88 points –
The AI Revolution is Rotten to the Core

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Maybe I missed it but what has Minecraft to do with all of this?

Minecraft is an experience that everypony should try at least once. Help. Help. Help. [Jim]: ChatGPT wrote that video and decided what it would look like. AI is not magic Sorry. The performance isn't great and the writing is boring but passable for a totally inoffensive, middle-of-the-road game summary

So basically they made a crappy AI minecraft video and briefly ascribed its flaws to the limitations of AI in order to justify having a Minecraft related thumbnail for enhanced clickbait.

He's doing a Dan Olsen type thing where he starts with a seemingly irrelevant "cold open" and then ties it back in. It's worth watching, as there is a payoff.