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Joined 1 years ago

Coming from Reddit, the very existence of this thread is a breath of fresh air. That there are mod logs at all to be able to document this, that there is a place where it can be posted that is not under control of the mods being criticized, is an enormous improvement over an unaccountable centralized platform.

This had me checking, fortunately SBF is currently in jail and almost certainly headed for prison. Also want to drop a reminder that McAfee publicly announced shortly before his death that he had no intention of suicide and expected assassination attempts after his incarceration.

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They probably just do this by default and the text of the appeal is never read or considered.

Could someone translate wtf he is even trying to say with this? Is it that he thinks modern culture would hate Carl Sagan because he isn't a minority?

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In our chat, Huin implied that this kind of public analysis was not very useful because "gamers [almost] never get access to the same version of [a game] protected and unprotected. There might be over the lifetime of the game a protected and unprotected version, but these are not comparable because these are different builds over six months, many bug fixes, etc., which could make it better or worse."

So they are literally trying to say that Denuvo isn't the cause of performance slowdowns, because patches to the game since the version that got cracked made the game that much slower?

IIRC they aren't prosecuting these users, instead they want to make them be witnesses in a case against an ISP they want to say wasn't doing enough to stop piracy. The Reddit posts were about whether the ISP takes action against pirates or something like that.

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You can use IRC to pirate ebooks that you won't be able to find on torrent sites.

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The amended lawsuit alleges that "Yuga colluded with fine arts broker, Defendant Sotheby's, to run a deceptive auction." After the sale, a Sotheby's representative described the winning bidder during a Twitter Spaces event as a "traditional" collector, the lawsuit said.

The lawsuit said it turned out the auction buyer was now-bankrupt crypto exchange FTX, whose founder Sam Bankman-Fried is in jail awaiting trial on criminal charges.

I don't think it's fair to pin this all on people who got duped. Calling FTX, a company now known for throwing around large sums of stolen money to pump up the brand, bribe government officials, and fix prices, a "traditional collector", is beyond misleading.

In general I don't agree with the sort of broad language policing some people seem to be advocating for here, but this word does seem pretty inseparable from a racist joke. What could rice have to do with computer customization? Even if it's distanced from the original meaning the word itself implies that racist joke. So yeah probably better avoided and replaced.

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This vulnerability, identified as CVE-2022-40982, enables a user to access and steal data from other users who share the same computer.

So just continue not letting people use my computer, got it. Very simple fix.

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I would play No One Has Heard Of Bombs, sounds like an interesting game

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That your tongue is divided into segments which each can only taste certain flavors

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I stopped watching a long time ago but from what I can tell dude legitimately cares about getting games journalism right, hope it goes well for him

In the Navy's latest environmental impact statement draft, they admit that the sonar exercises planned for 2014-2018 may unintentionally "harm marine mammals 2.8 million times over five years." This estimate is up about 150,000 instances a year from their EIS statement of 2009-2013. Included in this estimate are two million incidents of "temporary hearing loss," and 2,000 are targeted for permanent hearing loss.

So is that how it went? How have things gone in the ten years since this article was written?

Expresses disagreement with people talking shit about others when they don't have to

In a sane world people would be allowed time and energy to prepare food for themselves, sorry it's like that

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Preserving digital files indefinitely is a solved problem. You put it in an automatically monitored redundant system that exists across multiple physical locations and replace drives as needed. This is just incompetence and institutional failure.

lol so he's completely lying then

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I would like to move into a paradigm of no software updates for things software updates are not appropriate for.

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If it's using a local model like it says I think this is fine:

We’re looking at how we can use local, on-device AI models -- i.e., more private -- to enhance your browsing experience further. One feature we’re starting with next quarter is AI-generated alt-text for images inserted into PDFs, which makes it more accessible to visually impaired users and people with learning disabilities.

I'm glad courts seem to be hostile in general towards these sorts of copyright trolls.

it's like The Onion except strong right wing christian extremist bias

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And people say slippery slope is a fallacy. I guess hopefully it is in this case.

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I am not smart enough to effectively code with certain languages and design patterns and that's ok. There is nothing wrong with accessibility being prioritized or with making tradeoffs for the sake of reducing complexity.

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Cooking your own food is pretty cool just saying

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“Could a president order SEAL Team Six to assassinate a political rival? That’s an official act–an order to Seal Team Six,” U.S. Circuit Judge Florence Pan asked Sauer.

“He would have to be, and would speedily be, you know, impeached and convicted before the criminal prosecution,” Sauer replied, setting a pre-condition for such prosecution in Pan’s hypothetical.

I wonder if that's true. Would a congress controlled by the Republican party of today really follow through with impeachment for that? I'm sure such a president would have all kinds of excuses as to why they had to do it and how their rival was a threat to national security etc etc that their followers would take at face value.

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IMO the more that money is involved in anything, the less actually voluntary it is, because we need money to live and plenty of people don't have a lot of options for making money. With sex it's really important for everything to be actually consensual, but paying for it makes that ambiguous, they can't really know, so I see it as creepy and unethical.

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This makes me wonder whether there's ever price discrimination going on. A system like this could give different prices based on what kind of phone you're using if they wanted it to, and you wouldn't necessarily know it.

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If you happen to forget the -m though, you may also need to have mastered exiting vim

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No, because having money is power. The more money you have, the more leverage you have, in general. This argument comes up a lot and I think it's mostly coming from a widespread attitude of learned helplessness about money. Especially a UBI that is funded by some form of redistribution would mean a lasting shift in wealth inequality that could not be undone just because some businesses would like it to be.

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Science articles that reference paywalled journals you can't actually read. Most of them are probably making stuff up because they know no one will be able to call them out on it.

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It's not an answer. The problem is bigger than one company deciding to try for higher rent. This is happening because of housing supply and society-wide wealth distribution.

lettuce in a bowl is salad.

Citric acid. It's like adding lemon juice, except without any added moisture, so it works where too much moisture could pose a problem, like when you are making a pizza, nachos, or frying something in oil. It also never goes bad and is incredibly cheap, I use it all the time and am not even halfway through the $15 bag I bought like 8 years ago.

The water sprays from the bottom so I think it would not matter whether they are on the top rack

Hate this kind of thing. Would be cool if there was a more decentralized alternative for ecommerce that people actually use.

I wasn't able to get it consistently working so I started using FreeTube instead of a browser, which seems to work without hassle

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For a lot of people the point of a hobby seems to be as an outlet for their unhealthy relationship with money and purchasing, and markets find ways to take advantage of that.

You can buy good used bikes for cheap though, and maintain them cheaply also, so it isn't a problem for people who are not stupidly rich or insane.

From the article:

By shutting down a studio instead of selling it off or even letting it buy itself out, Microsoft ensures that no studio it has ever owned can become viable competition.

They benefit by killing off art and culture that could replace or take attention away from the art and culture they already control and profit from. They don't need to profit from it directly.

Mobile first