Advanced pirates, whats a tip others might not know? to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ – 710 points –

I'll start. Did you know you can run a headless version of JD2 on a raspberry pi? It's not the greatest thing in the world, but sometimes its nice to throw a bunch of links in there and go to sleep.


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You can use IRC to pirate ebooks that you won't be able to find on torrent sites.

Wait until you hear about library genesis.

Take a look at annas-archive too. It’s run by the same people, and includes both libgen, but also z-library books. I find the search on the site to be better as well.

As much as I love z-library, libgen or Anna's Archive they are coming through for me for my kids books. Subjects like HVAC or construction or not showing up. Thanks for the IRC tip.

LibGen is the damn tits, I have never failed to find a title and the quality is always good.

Man I completely forgot about IRC, used to use this so much in my teens. Good to know it's still alive

Yeah I remember using mIRC before Napster to trade songs with people. I may have to download it again for the nostalgia

IRC is useful for other content as well:

sorry, I may just be absolutely retarded, but how exactly do you download things from this link? I can't figure it out after navigating around the site for a little bit- after searching for something and finding it, it looks like there's a link but anytime I click it it doesn't do anything

It’s IRC servers (think pre AIM messenger) this search engine allows you to find things and connect to the servers to download via the IRC server (like Usenet but not lol)

If you review the link and have an IRC client it will let you download the packs.

awesome, is this the same kind of concept as direct downloads or more along the possible legal trouble lines of torrenting?

There's no uploading involved if that is what you mean.
But you connect to a public server and when issuing a download command there, it will usually be logged in the chat log in some way.

So, the server has your IP address, the XDCC bot which sends you the actual file has your IP address, your IP address usually gets (publicly) logged in the chat when connecting to the server/room and sometimes even the file transfers get logged publicly.
It's not a very private system, but AFAIK nobody has ever gotten in any trouble for downloading from IRC.

Legality aside (fuck the feds and big tech). Yea it’s direct downloading. Not p2p. (I’m like 90% sure) I’ve never used them to dl because of using private trackers.

Also pretty sure courts in America set presidency that a downloaded of illegal files (copyright stuff) isn’t liable.

Trust me none of the big companies kind stealing, at Amazon the fines and settlements were just the cost of doing businesses. Bet your ass they would go after you if you did the same thing however.

But never anything my wife asks me to get for her

Is this topic-specific or are there other bots other than the one in UnderNet? I've never found on IRC a book that wasn't in libgen

#ebooks on IRCHighway has alot of newer books. Older books are more likely to be found on Undernet

Well, that makes a lot of sense now :) thanks.