Trump Told General Milley to Banish Wounded Military Veteran From Events: ‘No One Wants to See That’ to politics – 658 points –
Trump Told General Milley to Banish Wounded Military Veteran From Events: ‘No One Wants to See That’

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Nothing we could ever do would bring us to their level.

It's just a crude thing to say. If we say crude things out on the Internet for all to see, then we're being crude and that reflects on our character. Just try to be good that's all.

Crudeness isn’t what defines those animals. It’s their lack of morals, compassion, ability to think for themselves, and intelligence that does. So call them what they are and stop mincing words.

By not being crude we can add to the list of good qualities that separate us from them. We have to remember that what's truly important is building a better world. If we resort to lesser tactics we cheapen ourselves and our goal.

If that works for you, good. For me, personally, I say fuck them. They don’t deserve the dignity and respect that I reserve for people who aren’t seditious cowards that fuck over their own country.

They’re the worst, and they deserve nothing more than.