Gold bars, sniper rifles and a Mercedes-Benz: US senator indicted on Egypt corruption charges to politics – 173 points –
Gold bars, sniper rifles and a Mercedes-Benz: US senator indicted on Egypt corruption charges

Prosecutors allege that Senator Robert Menendez took bribes in exchange for approving arms sales and leaking sensitive information to Egyptian government


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Why would the Biden Justice Department do this to a Democrat!? /s

It seems he's using the Trump playbook for his defence

In a defiant statement, Menendez defended himself against “baseless allegations” and theorized that he was being targeted by “the powers that be” because “they see me as an obstacle in the way of their broader political goals.”

Replace "powers that be" with "the deep state" and replace "baseless allegations" with "witchunt" and we're at a Trump truth social post.

Yep. Bob's a well known pos. This isn't surprising to anyone,really. He should have been primaried long ago imo

Bob’s so greasy you could batter and fry him. Mmmm…. justice