MAGA rages over report Pentagon exempting Ukraine from government shutdown to politics – 540 points –
MAGA rages over report Pentagon exempting Ukraine from government shutdown

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Glad you are willing to risk other peoples lives, family and freedom because of 5 shitbird Republicans who were going to vote no on any budget because their dear leader wants them to obstruct normal functions of government.

Thanks. Now ask me about my plan to make social security optional.

Its is optional. No one is compelling you to cash those checks.

The fuck it is. I'm compelled to pay in every pay check against my will.

Oh, well duh. Of course you have to pay into it, even if you don't use it. I pay for roads I don't drive on, police that don't protect me, military jets I'll never even be allowed to touch. I pay for the salaries of those dipshit Republicans who are holding this country hostage in order to undercut an investigation into the single most criminal presidency in our history. Don't like it? Tough, grow the fuck up and quit whining out bullshit talking points from billionaires who are trying to shortchange the 99%.

Social security doesn't work that way. You are supposed to get out of it what you put in to it. But in reality it has a negative rate of return. It is worse than putting the cash under your mattress.

That's because it can also pay out in case you are disabled, so there is additional risk factors in there. Social security also needs to provide meaningful assistance at the time that you start taking from it, and needs to account for the inflation and changes in population demographics.

We pay more into it than the amount we get out as well, because the net benefit goes beyond the money you "get back" when you retire. I guess if you really don't want to pay for social security, you can take the loudest and most annoying of republican advice and "if you don't love it, leave it". Good luck, you're gonna need it. Otherwise, act like a functional adult and quit complaining about one of the few things we spend money on that actually helps people.

That's not a feature, that's a bug. I don't love it, and I'm not leaving. I just kiss that money goodbye as if I was setting it on fire every month. In the mean time I'll continue to employ Americans at my company, pay taxes, and plan for the eventual demise of all financial institutions, because if they don't fail I'll at-least still be in a better financial position than 99% of everyone else.