They added a "Tell websites not to sell or share my data" option in settings. to – 355 points –

EDIT I love the dead "Learn more" link.


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Moreover, I'd think this would make you more easily fingerprinteable...

Would you mind explaining why? Sorry if it’s a really obvious answer , but I usually turn on the “do not track” setting whenever I have the option to. Have I inadvertently made myself even more id-able?

I belive that's the reason why Librewolf doesn't turn on something along this kind of option by default.

It absolutely does, and quite sometime ago, the usual media did a blurb for a day or few ago about it was more likely to get you on various alphabet agency watchlist and idk i ever read details. Tinfoil hat territory bc I’m way too lazy but also winding down after an…interesting day. If you want to search it and can’t confirm, consider this redacted bc it was hm perhaps last 5 years? And I’m old and tired.