Google Podcasts shutting down in 2024 for YouTube Music to – 421 points –
Google Podcasts shutting down in 2024 for YouTube Music

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Obviously I can't know what you have tried before, but I'd highly recommend Pocket Casts. I've been using this since at least 2014 (looking at a support chain that I had opened) and can't imagine losing the features they've got. It's shifted owners a few times and their mobile apps are now open source should you be interested in that.

Worth noting that in October they're increasing their annual subscription price from $9.99 to $39.99, which is when I'll be finding another podcast app. I love Pocket Casts but it doesn't provide $40 worth of functionality for me.

Yea, using their app online is worth $10 a year, but $40? For what's basically a front end? They are out of their mind.

Do you know if you can export your podcasts from Pocket casts?

I'm not sure what you would export, just your listening history and favorites? Pocket Casts doesn't host the actual audio files themselves, those are all available elsewhere online. I doubt there's an easy way to port your existing subscriptions and such to another app, that would require them all to use a standard format for that data and there's not really any incentive for that.

Yea, I figured out how to export it, but it doesn export what episodes I've.listened to, so I have to go back through my lists and transfer that (I like listening to back catalogs of my favorite podcasts.

I actually paid for the lifetime app membership a long time ago, so luckily this won't impact that, but not paying $40usd for just desktop use.

Does Antenna have a desktop app?

Not as far as I know. You would have to use a desktop client that syncs with gPodder... like gPodder

Didn't know that was a thing! Thanks for the link.

Is pocket casts usable on pc? The "pocket" part of the name makes me think no, but I used Google podcast to listen to stuff on my pc primarily. It's a pain to track podcasts I want to listen to and am actively listening to because every podcast company has their own website.

They have a website version but it's a paid offering, with it being part of a subscription now. It used to be a one-off purchase. Regardless, I haven't used it before.