9 Post – 667 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Fun fact: Android is older.

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It's a relatively new social media app. Once a day you have 2 minute timer where you can take a picture. All your friends post at the same time.

The idea is that you post what you do at the moment without prepering much. You don't post the best pics or try to pretend that lots of intresting stuff happens in your life, but what you actually do in the moment.

The problem is monetisation. You don't use the app much longer than a minute a day and it doesn't have any ads. So I don't know how low they're able to do this without shutting down

And if you don't have any friends IRL that use it, it's pretty boring

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So we got away from the 3D style just to go back to it?

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No. It's just OK

There is no official Anonymous channel

Chat surveillance I guess

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They do have a profit insentive though. It's just not a monetary one

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I can't believe there's a Wikipedia article about this. Yes it means exactly what you think it means:

Automatically copying content from reddit is killing user interaction. I don't want to see thousands of shitty posts with zero comments and where OP isn't even a human that could react so I don't even have any intention of wringing comments

I have no problems with manually doing it though. Heck I myself do it. The difference is that I only repost what I seam to be worthy a repost.

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Strangers on the internet can find out more about me than my inner circle.

They just have to find my old username.

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I'm not (maybe an hour at most because I just started my job/training as software engineer), but long meetings are way more tiring than sitting there and coding. And coding while needing to listen to a meeting is even more exhausting.

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Bing should just stop pushing their intrusive ads, news and browser and they would actually be quite good

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That's not possible though. There simply is no content on other platforms and they generally aren't as good as YouTube and probably never will be.

The only platform I could see to rival YouTube in the future is Twitch

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You don't even own it when you buy it

Not an android thing. It's a vendor thing. Stop blaming Google for things it doesn't do. There are enough other points to critizise about them

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They're not making any money from this anyway

He had his own police force and basically was a dictator on an island

She was just doin' NSA shit: training a AI so that every person can be identified with just a dick pic

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They're still widely used for some (illegal) reason

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Well that's kinda stupid.

And that is the point. It never was meant to actually be used

Well it doesn't make sense to use it on individual movies. The point is that it's such an incredible low standard and still: lots of movies don't pass it.

That doesn't make movies that pass the test not sexist or the other way around.

Kodi is horrible on touch devices. I also don't want to have terabytes of files on every device I want to watch something on. Sure, there are workarounds, but I could also just use Jellyfin. Yeah I don't use Plex, I use Jellyfin.

But it's really just mainly because I dislike the UX of Kodi.

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Sounds like your hobby isn't actually reading, but collecting books

5g is a lot for a joint.

That's the point. You get an answer immediately. Also it's way faster than texting since it's synchronous

He means he got doom running on that screwdriver

No they didn't. They used rclone and mounted Google drive in vfs-cach mode which means it's firstly written to the drive before it's synced to the cloud

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Completely false. They don't show up in YOUR dreams. They definitely do in mine.

You might just be bad at dreaming and don't have vivid dreams. Don't worry, you can train that

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Every fucking time

Nope. That's literally what this article is about:

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People who think they're immune to ads are the most vulnerable to ads.

Sooner or later there will be an API to build your own apps and systems. Then we just rebuild a webbrower, but made it worse

Use Zsh or Fish and tab completion.

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Nope. It's just a convince thing. They aren't aware what can be done with their data and when they are aware they think "there are millions of people using it so why should MY data be that interesting"

If people are given a choice, they almost always will decline if it's as convenient as accepting.

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JavaScript isn't bad. Sure it has its quirks, but it's not as bad as everyone makes it sound it is

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Which clearly isn't as big and mainstream as Reddit

It's not the end of Reddit

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I live in Germany and while not perfect, I'm glad we have such a thing.

The problem is when a 10 minute car drive takes an hour with public transportation

Ha, classic Empress