How do you turn your nose off or deal with a heinous smell? to Ask – 83 points –

I'm going to visit my grandfather this weekend. His house smells like a skunk rolled around in some rotten cabbages, died, and got eaten and pooped out by a water buffalo. Thankfully I dont have to sleep there, but I do have to visit for a few hours, a couple days in a row. Last time, I wore a mask with mint toothpaste rubbed inside, which didn't help at all.

Google is failing me; the only results I can find are how to get rid of a smell, and that's just not possible here without a great deal of fire. So can anyone recommend how to live with a uniquely terrible smell for a few days?


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This could be difficult to apply for such an extended period of time, but I generally have good results by just breathing exclusively through my mouth. Pretend you're underwater and breathing through a snorkel.

This technique has gotten me through many a fart and temporary sewage/fertilizer exposure.

So you'd rather taste it than smell it?

Most of what we experience as taste is actually smell. It's generally not an issue.

The trick is to not put the smelly thing inside your mouth.