Valve releases Counter-Strike 2 to – 377 points –
Counter-Strike 2 on Steam

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well they kinda had to nuke csgo as you can't transfer inventories between games

the game is so fucked tho, on my 1060 I could play csgo at 1440p low at about 200fps, cs2 I'm lockynto get 100 on FSR performance

and zooming with scopes are fucked get about 300ms of stutter every time

They didn't need to nuke it. Why not both

They probably didn't want to split the players base

Nah, it's mainly to transfer the Steam marketplace, I.E the thing that makes the most money for Valve out of Counter Strike.

Dude I have the same hardware and FSR somehow performs worse for me.

Though, I'm on LInux, I've yet to try it out on windows

I found nuking my csgo configs fixed a bit of the performance

I'm also on arch Linux, this fixed fsr for me