Valve releases Counter-Strike 2 to – 377 points –
Counter-Strike 2 on Steam

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It's really wild that they straight up nuked CS:GO for this and it both performs worse on higher end machines (reports of stuttering when ragdolls activate or shaders load in are rampant) AND it's missing the casual war games modes like Arms Race.

I have a 1070 and both performance and loading times have improved compared to CS:GO. 🤷

Intel A770 with stable mesa drivers, can get around 100-130fps mid settings at 4K in CS2, but got 200+ solid and just ran vsync on at 144Hz 4K very high settings in CSGO. Maybe it's just the Linux build (which notably received zero public beta testing) but my friend said the Windows version was lower frames on his AMD 580 than CSGO too.

How's the A770 treating you in general?

Pretty well overall. Performance is pretty solid on most games I play now, VRR is fixed finally, and I don't get graphical glitches. I bought it a month or so after it came out and it was rough in the beginning, lots of crashes and glitches.

I for sure drop frames on low settings with my low-end machine.

1070ti here 3600x didn't notice much of a difference, I'm still hitting 130-140 easy

Same. I'm fine. I'm also not very obsessed about fps. As long as it's smooth I'm good.

That's fair, but for an extremely competitive game like CS you're definitely in the minority

well they kinda had to nuke csgo as you can't transfer inventories between games

the game is so fucked tho, on my 1060 I could play csgo at 1440p low at about 200fps, cs2 I'm lockynto get 100 on FSR performance

and zooming with scopes are fucked get about 300ms of stutter every time

They didn't need to nuke it. Why not both

They probably didn't want to split the players base

Nah, it's mainly to transfer the Steam marketplace, I.E the thing that makes the most money for Valve out of Counter Strike.

Dude I have the same hardware and FSR somehow performs worse for me.

Though, I'm on LInux, I've yet to try it out on windows

I found nuking my csgo configs fixed a bit of the performance

I'm also on arch Linux, this fixed fsr for me