As Reddit Crushes Protests, Its User Traffic Returns to Normal to – 441 points –
As Reddit Crushes Protests, Its User Traffic Returns to Normal

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I'm not surprised, but you can't forget that a lot of people on reddit don't really post or comment a lot. I myself was one of them, I'm way more active here than I ever was on reddit though.


I feel like the people here are way more open for discourse, which makes it a lot less scary to voice your thoughts.

Still haven't posted anything though, I'm not a conversation starter, but rather a participant. XD

On Reddit if you post anything opposite the hive mind it goes off the rails. If they are talking turkey for thanksgiving and you post ham, the reaction was that as if you murdered their only child.

Here people just ask questions and converse like they normally would in the real world.

I credit my 12 years on reddit with my ability to create airtight defenses towards anything in my daily life.

The boar’s head in hand bring I,
Bedeck'd with bays and rosemary.
I pray you, my masters, be merry
Quot estis in convivio
Caput apri defero
Reddens laudes Domino

Yeah but you're also also not contributing to the horde of data that they can sell to the AI companies. So your account isn't useful to them.

They are boasting now but they know they're done for.

I can't imagine this stock price is going to be anyway near what they wanted to be when the IPO comes in. Assuming it now happens at all.