Sweden’s leader turns to the military for help as gang violence escalates

MicroWave@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 224 points –
Sweden's leader turns to the military for help as gang violence escalates

Sweden’s prime minister on Thursday said that he’s summoned the head of the military to discuss how the armed forces can help police deal with an unprecedented crime wave that has shocked the country with almost daily shootings and bombings.

Getting the military involved in crime-fighting would be a highly unusual step for Sweden, underscoring the severity of the gang violence that has claimed a dozen lives across the country this month, including teenagers and innocent bystanders.

Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said that he would meet with the armed forces’ supreme commander and the national police commissioner on Friday to explore “how the armed forces can help police in their work against the criminal gangs.”


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It was the Social Democrats (Swedens' biggest socialist party) who suggested the use of the military.

But of course, you have no goddamn clue as to what the hell you're talking about and your ignorance shows.

And anyone up voting these sentiments: the issue is more complex, and please read up on the issue and build a complete picture.

"Socialists" can be fascists too, if they're using government violence to quell dissent caused by government failure.

Yeah ok but these aren't fascists numbnut

"Socialists" can be fascists too, if they're using government violence to quell dissent caused by government failure.

Are you suggesting that Socialdemokraterna is a fascists organization!?

Lmao, get out if here just stfu.

Are they using violence to quell dissent generated from their failure to adequately represent their population? Your answer is the same as mine, if you're honest.

No. So what in the goddamn hell are you talking about?

Sweden’s prime minister on Thursday said that he’s summoned the head of the military to discuss how the armed forces can help police deal with an unprecedented crime wave that has shocked the country with almost daily shootings and bombings.

Getting the military involved in crime-fighting would be a highly unusual step for Sweden, underscoring the severity of the gang violence that has claimed a dozen lives across the country this month, including teenagers and innocent bystanders.

Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said that he would meet with the armed forces’ supreme commander and the national police commissioner on Friday to explore “how the armed forces can help police in their work against the criminal gangs.”

I'm talking about this, idiot.

Again, wtf are you talking about? Quelling dissent and fighting crime is the same in your eyes?

Fucking tinfoil hat lunatic...

Happy populations with all their needs met don't have drug addiction, poverty, homelessness, or nearly as many impulsive violent crimes. Shit rolls downhill, but responsibility can never be delegated. The people at the top are responsible for every crime that happens within their borders because they declare what is illegal, they control the conditions, and they allocate resources to either supporting, imprisoning, enslaving, or murdering their dissident populations.

This is native at best and really fucking wrong at worst. Please don't ever hold a position of responsibility.

The word you're looking for is naive, and your opinion means less than nothing to me.

I mean the "venstre" party in Denmark are also teetering close to far right idealisms as well? The vitriol in your comment seems wildly misplaced for something that could have been otherwise politely explained.