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Joined 12 months ago

He's a journalist, risks are part of his job....

There is something particularly amusing and very ironic that a mega-corp like Apple, the most valuable company in the world, is standing up to defend a communist dictatorship and won't accept any dissent.

Ohhh gottem!

She is now legally obligated to sex this man.

edit: programmers code

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Hamas is a terrorist organization

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It took me literally less than a minute to google and disprove that claim in this 'article':

The Olympic records for the event are 2:06:32 hours for men, set by Samuel Wanjiru in 2008, and 2:23:07 hours for women, set by Tiki Gelana in 2012.


This article is not scientific, its simply an opinion piece and should be treated as such. And honestly I don't even think it was a good opinion piece. And why is it hosted on Scientific American?

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Lemmy devs being man children when confronted with GDPR compliance.

And if Lemmy if supposed to better Reddit in basic fucking decency then GDPR is absolutely crucial.

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Now this is interesting good find.

It seems at this point, a few hours after the outbreak of the war, Zelensky believing the situation dire enough to start immediate peace talks. Likely drawing similarities with the Coalition invasion of Iraq 2003, as by the time the Iraqi forces started to seriously mobilize, the Coalition was already in Baghdad and all over the country. Difference being of course that the Coalition had planned for a war lasting months; the russians planned for a war lasting days. This is what comes to bite the Russians in the ass.

Putin thought that by driving down the highway P02 straight into Kyiv, the Ukrainian forces would collapse. It's total fantasy of course, and they got bogged down in pitched battles without a solid supply line, ultimately losing the battle for Kyiv.

But you can tell from the video, Zelensky thinks the war might be lost already. And had the Russians planned like the Coalition did in 2003, that might have been the case.

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Media messaging has made the idea of civil war more believable, as Chinese state media have regularly suggested that political divisions in the US are now so polarised that the country has reached the brink of internal conflict.

And they are not far off. Every political issue has become a divider. There is no more civil discourse in discussion. No more shared unity between differences of opinion.

All of this greatly exasperated by social media. All the while the 1 % running both the Democrats and Republicans are lining their pockets even more.

Do you feel the obligation to be outraged by the most pointless things or does it come naturally?

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Who are you guys if you don't mind me asking. What's your background?

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No, there will be Spyware in the fucking diodes...

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The bombings has to be seen in the context of the unimaginable horrors orchestrated by the Japanese state that had to be stopped, at almost any cost.

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YMCA by Village People? We'll give it a pass ✔️

couldn't do shit about it even if they wanted to

Of course they could. Halt the deliveries of weapons for one. It's in Ukraines best interest to keep good relations with the West, something Ukraine takes very seriously.

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Blizz, you throw in one of those breastmilk-dispensers you got strewn around the office and you got yourself a deal mister.

The biggest change according to the article is with your agegroup 20-30 and they sure as shit don't get most of their news from traditional media, but from social media, especially TikTok as the article states.

You know, the not so conservative TikTok run by a not so friendly communist dictatorship.

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Have you been around lemmy even? It's hardly just right wingers pushing Kremlin propaganda! I mean hexbear, lemmygrad ffs, they shill that shit wholesale like it's their bread and butter.

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'Sasha, comrade, I had a dream to take Bachmut and move my family there. That dream is coming true!'

Moves entire family to a bomb-crater.

Most probably trying to incite riot, looting and unrest as a direct result of a city wide black out.

I mean, the AI can memorize the programming documentation, sweep different github repositories, and the programming itself is already learned behavior.

That's for programming. As for fault finding, that might get more challenging for the AI without stack overflow.

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Microplastics, son! 💪

This is my experience with Cyberpunk 2077 in 2023:

this summer, i built a new PC specifically so that I could play the game with good, stable performance. With ray-tracing on, the game would curb-stomp my RTX 3080 (not a cheap card mind) with 30 fps in the inner city. Not great, kind of disappointing.

What followed was nothing but a never-ending stream of bugs. Feel free to sample from the smorgosbord;

  • night would shift to day in an instant

  • characters would t-pose on reload

  • characters would walk through cars like a tank and blow them up

  • npc driven cars would run through walls and cars and blow them up

  • ragdolls would flip out and fly out of bounds

  • citizens walk in circles through the streets

  • animated objects like cell phones would not disappear when put away and instead float around their bodies

  • npc driven cars would teleport forward when driven

  • lost count of how much clipping issues were present

All this after about 5 hours of game play. It was brutal until I could take no more. And the game play is just not that fun, even though most of the characters are interesting and the story is good.

The absolute most damning thing is that the game demands immersion, the world is built around the concept, but with a bug every 15 min throwing you out of the experience, it's just too much.

I'm not hopeful for this DLC.

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Yet another I wish stuck to art instead of going into politics!

What's there to be leery about? These dog breeds were bred for one thing and it sure wasn't to be the perfect family dog.

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Forbes reports; nothing to report.


It was the Social Democrats (Swedens' biggest socialist party) who suggested the use of the military.

But of course, you have no goddamn clue as to what the hell you're talking about and your ignorance shows.

And anyone up voting these sentiments: the issue is more complex, and please read up on the issue and build a complete picture.

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There is no evidence, it's simply an opinion piece. Good lord the article does not even list sources, so even if it claims to have supporting evidence, you cannot follow up on it. This just stinks...

And Scientific American, really?

Oh fuck right off, let people enjoy the game.

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You're welcome to join and have a look. Its not a pretty sight though

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I think this is more likely some bizarre attempt at making the AI anti-racist.

What a dumb article, it reads like a few women feeling inadequate and threatened by fictional ones.

What is even the point? That it enforces an increasingly superficial society? Go on Tinder for five minutes and you will get that experience in full and then some, just with real people instead of fictional ones.

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Hell no. She left a legacy of Ostpolitik, Nordstream 1 & 2, replacing nuclear power with brown coal power plants and green washing 'natural gas'.

All simply enormous failures.

Can't say Schultz is much better, but then again, that's why we're reading these kinds of articles.

Blame the absolutely deranged state of German leadership that brought us such things as Ostpolitik, Nordstream 1 & 2, replacing nuclear power with brown coal power plants and green washing 'natural gas'.

Lmao, ok here me out.

I think, maybe, just maybe, that some horny teens at the school figured it out and told. Just a bold theory.

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Starfield is currently the 6th most played game on Steam. What makes you think they would fail ES6?

There's good reason this garbage didn't launch in the EU.

Clearly not the case

It probably will be just like every big bethesda launch title and you bet it's going to be buggy too, but guess what, I don't mind because I'm going to mod that sucker until it's good enough for me.

That's the beauty of Bethesda titles.

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A) Article isn't available

B) Before the garbage article was taken down, all it did was source an eurogamer article from 2012 when the law changes first where made

C) y'all wasting your time

Lmao, that wikipedia article has better listed sources than this so called 'scientific article' which, incidentally, has none...

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