Sleepy to ADHD – 700 points –

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You might want to get checked out for sleep apnea.

sleep deprivation and ADHD present a lot of the same symptoms.

With my CPAP I don't fall asleep in the car on the way to work after being "asleep" for 8 hours. Still can't focus so if I end up in the ditch, it won't be because I nodded off.

I did actually get recently tested, I have a mild and inconsistent case of sleep apnea. It seems sleep position makes all the difference for me, so I'm trying to just sleep on my stomach, not sure if I could deal with a cpap.

I'm in the same camp. I can't sleep on my back, and I can't wear a CPAP. Triggers my claustrophobia and anxiety too bad. I just make sure to sleep on my stomach.

Hey my dude I know this is late but I was combing over memes from this page and found your comment. There are dental oral appliances that push your jaw forward so that your throat does close down while you are sleeping, thereby eliminating sleep apnea much in the same way a cpap would. It's less claustrophobic than a cpap!

Mine just goes over my nose. Took some time to train myself to keep my mouth shut, but it works. I've been in a couple places without power and I regretted not having a battery for it in the morning.

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