it's Friday night, what's everyone doing this weekend? to – 82 points –

Mine is going to be laid back if all goes according to plan. I'm going to do some birding with a friend tomorrow morning, then I'm headed to a used bookstore to buy a copy of "the pricess bride" that I talked myself out of the other day (I've never read it). Then I'm hitting the farmers market and then relaxing at home for the foreseeable future. Enjoy your weekend!


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Nothing is planned because I was almost sure my wife would be in labor by now. So, I guess just more sitting around and waiting.

Don’t sit, walk! Good for her and helps move things along (but if you already have a kiddo you probably know that). Good luck with the baby.

Thanks! Yeah, I just meant it figuratively. We walked to the church bazaar and she's been gardening and trimming roses here and at her mom's. We have an almost 3 year old so even sedentary time is very active.