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Joined 1 years ago

@jrubal1462 - Vlemmy.net
@jrubal1462 - urbanists.social

I don't know what CUPS is, but I had 3 major reservations about switching my barely functional computer to Linux:

  1. Ive never worked in Linux before
  2. My dive computer only uploads to proprietary software using a proprietary cable.
  3. My Brother laser printer was working SO well wirelessly. It's the first time I've ever not hated my printer

Turns out some amazing people made open source dive logging software so I can still download my dives.

And for printing, I meant to get around to setting it up, then one day I forgot and accidentally printed something and it just worked. I was so shocked that for a bit I assumed that reformatting the hard drive and changing operating systems must've somehow preserved my printer settings.

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I kinda want to make a sign out of that (with proper attribution and a watermark of the Titan sub) and put it on our manufacturing floor.

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I used to work for a small, family owned business. At lunch the wife of the owner was reading an article in paper and said, "90% of this school district is close enough to the poverty line that they receive free/reduced breakfast and lunch, because there's a good chance those are their only reliable meals for the week." Then she looks up from the paper and says "Can you believe that? They're giving away breakfast now, too!"

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Username checks out and concerns me.

Ouch, I feel that one.

Parenting, since our first child was born in September of 2020. Still giving it a go. We just had a 2nd child this July, so I guess you could say things are getting pretty serious.

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Quite busy. We were booked up every night all weekend with parties, class reunions, and father's day shenanigans. Also we're taking care of a lot of business that needs to be taken care of before our 2nd baby arrives (probably Wednesday). It's been a weekend!

I think I would like the FEDIVERSE even when its the "old thing" just because as far as I can tell, the product itself seems like a terrible place for investments and profits. Then again, I could be WAY off here.

Also, at the moment, there's an almost complete lack of marketing/advertising, which is REALLY nice.

You can, you just have to scroll to the bottom of all the comments.

My apologies, I don't know if you never saw it, there, or if you saw it there and just didn't like it.

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Nothing is planned because I was almost sure my wife would be in labor by now. So, I guess just more sitting around and waiting.

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I love games, but even when I was playing a lot of multiplayer, it was never really a strong competitive thing for me. We hit our stride right after school because we were all spread out across the country, but nobody had too serious of a job or relationship to devote much time to. We would all lobby up, and just use the voice chat to bust chops and generally chat while the game was happening in the background.

Now, most of the people I played with don't really have games in their life anymore, so they're all at least 1 console generation behind. I'm married with 2 tiny children. I still play a bit, but it's not organized, scheduled time.. It's basically whenever I can squeeze in an hour or so (usually either after everybody goes to sleep, or before anybody else wakes up). For this reason, I usually play single-player games, or if I'm playing multiplayer, it's online with randos.

Now that you mention it I would REALLY like to get some of my friends playing Deep Rock. I've had nothing but good times playing with randos, but MAN it would be good to mess around with good friends.

It's better than "no censorship". It's "whatever censorship you and your instance agree on".

Don't like the rules at beehaw? Cool, leave beehaw! Too many boobs in your "all" feed? Cool, block the domain or join an instance that doesn't federate with them. It's just SO much better this way for everybody.

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I think it really helps if you think of some people as people and other people as "people".

Thanks! Yeah, I just meant it figuratively. We walked to the church bazaar and she's been gardening and trimming roses here and at her mom's. We have an almost 3 year old so even sedentary time is very active.

For /r/scuba, there was already a scuba@mander.xyz

I tried and failed to post there. I assumed it was suffering the same growing pains as everywhere else, but after a few days of waiting I just created kbin.social/m/scuba

Specifically, when I google stuff about how kbin works, I see the only answers are on Reddit and then I'm in a real pickle.

From vlemmy.net, I first searched for !vegetablegardening@kbin.social and found nothing.

Then I searched for https://kbin.social/m/vegetablegardening and found it.

They certainly didn't lack compassion. Like, if you were one of theirs, they'd give you the shirt off their back and infinite second chances. 2 of the kindest, most caring people you'd ever meet.... But yeah, they were also very capable of dehumanizing people and not giving a damn.

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At work, I have a reputation for being the guy who never shuts up about trying to get new people into scuba diving. If there are 2 or more divers at the lunch table I honestly feel a little bad for everybody else. The cost of getting trained and renting or buying all your gear can scare people away, but I would at least strongly recommend that anybody on an island vacation or cruise at least try a "discover Scuba" class. You'll learn everything you need to know to not die by watching a quick video, and working in a pool, then you get to go have an amazing dive in the ocean with an instructor.

Oh yeah I guess I should clarify that I meant to say that they're capable of displaying compassion (I've seen it). But this, obviously, was not compassion.