Is there a food that is cheap, delicious and healthy at the same time? to No Stupid – 92 points –

I have a theory that there is a impossible trinity (like in economics), where a food cannot be delicious, cheap and healthy at the same time. At maximum 2 of the 3 can be achieved.

Is there any food that breaks this theory?

Edit: I was thinking more about dishes (or something you put in your mouth) than the raw substances

Some popular suggestions include

  • fruits (in season)
  • lentils

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This will be controversial. I'm going with Costco rotisserie chicken. $5. They taste good fresh but bad reheated. I don't eat the skin

I can here to say this.

Chicken is all of these things. I food prep chicken dishes because I need the right amount of protein. It's delicious and it's one of the cheapest types of meat.

When there's a half inch layer of fat, I think healthy has booked it out the door.

I'm not sure what you mean. Who eats chicken fat?

Some people don't eat the skin because they think it's unhealthy.