The unavoidable politics of Taylor Swift to politics – 99 points –
The unavoidable politics of Taylor Swift

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The only other musician turned world leader I can think of in the scope of her fame would be the Beatles.

The world literally hung on their every word in the 60s. And that was four people. This is one person who can move 100 million + with a single statement, lol.

Absolutely wild man.

I don't think Bono from U2 gets enough credit for how much he helped in raising awareness for a variety of things. He's no John Lennon, but he did have quite an impact in those pre-internet days.

But yeah, she's pretty high on the list. And definitely standing on the shoulders of giants, so to speak, which I think she knows. She wouldn't be where she was without the likes of Nina Simone, Aretha Franklin, Madonna and Sinead O'Conner each suffering to plow the road partway first. Among countless others that pitched in.

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